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Sheet metal differences between 70/71 Challengers?

Started by wanderlustin, January 09, 2017, 09:10:58 PM

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Hey guys I'm from Vancouver, WA and relatively new to the group.  I will be gathering almost every piece of replacement steel for a 70 Challenger R/T.  My first question is to the difference between the two years inner fenders.  What are all of the differences to look for?  Next is the fenders themselves.  I've had two 70s now with supposed 71 fenders with the "notches" cut out near the top. Both were passenger side.  Both driver sides were definitely 70 with no notches.  I assume this is for the difference in grill?  Thanks in advance, I thought I'd just start with these two questions for now!  :notsure:


The 71 passenger side inner apron has a notch for the fuel vent line where the 70 is smooth.
The 71 fender notches are on late 71's usually, a change made for the up coming 72 model year grill.
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I saw a good picture on the 71 notch on here afew days ago, but not sure where...

Chryco Psycho

There are the notches in the front fender above the headights
Crush areas in the hood frame
Doors are different as they use different weatherstrip screw vs clip
right inner fender as mentioned above
Battery support brace above battery  to inner fender or was that 72 ?
Tailight panel


Are you changing a 71 into a 70? I normally get these questions with rebodies. Post a pic of what you are working on.


Maybe he's just restoring a 1970 Challenger and wants to get the correct parts ? :dunno:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


Agreed. We can help more if he posts a pic of what he has.


Quote from: anlauto on January 10, 2017, 04:12:53 AM
The 71 passenger side inner apron has a notch for the fuel vent line where the 70 is smooth.

I'm thinking this change was made part way through 1970.

Some changes were made part way through the year, so the answer might depend on the build dates of the two cars he's looking at.
ground wire by the battery changed during 70
There are different placements for how the AC temp control cable passes through the firewall in 1970.
If your paying really close attention, the holes in the front frame rail for the brake line clips move.


The fenders with the notches also relocated the hood bumper and the screw hole for the hood pin lanyard.


There is a difference in the floor pans or inner rocker panels.
Something to do with one year being shaped so that you could set the floor pan on it, and the other year not.

The rear valance is different.
Trunk Lid could be different, depending on the production date of the 1970 car.

I can't remember right now, but at some point a 3rd bolt was added for the front bumper brackets to the frame.

There are also some features which could be different due to how the car is equipped, not necessarily what year it was made.
22" vs 26" radiator
Torque boxes
Extra rocker panel bracing inside convertible rocker panels
Pinion Snubber reinforcement plate
K frame skid plate


The crumple zone in the hood was a mid year change.