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An AWESOME Father / Son Combo

Started by GoMangoBoys, July 16, 2024, 03:06:43 PM

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So many on this forum were jazzed up about my story of building our project as a father / son.  At Carlisle, I met another father / son E-body team that was very impressive.  @FF376 is a really good guy and his son is a VERY impressive young man.  I can't wait to see what they do with their car.


Thanks @GoMangoBoys ! We had a great time. Everyone was great and the advice (especially the non car advice) was outstanding.

cuda hunter

Glad to see you posting.
Any chance we could see some pics of your ride?
Enjoyed chatting with you and your son at the show!
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


For some reason I have issues with posting pics here. I use an Amazon Kindle and it sometimes doesn't like certain formats. Ill try with my iPhone...

cuda hunter


I have heard this about the kindle.  Any idea?
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Quote from: FF376 on July 16, 2024, 06:08:54 PMFor some reason I have issues with posting pics here. I use an Amazon Kindle and it sometimes doesn't like certain formats. Ill try with my iPhone...
Could you provide any errors that you are getting? What file format is the picture? 


@GoMangoBoys my Dad and I had a great time talking to you too! Thanks again for all the awesome advice and some of the cool old guy sayings :). @cuda hunter I threw down some pictures of the car so hopefully yall can see them.


Quote from: M1GRD on July 17, 2024, 04:58:32 AMsome of the cool old guy sayings
Is there a list of those sayings?  I'm old but not cool, need all the help I can get  :notsure:

cuda hunter

Thanks for posting up some pics of your awesome ride!
That looks sweet and like a lot of fun to drive!

What are you're plans for the car? 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


@mtull i think @GoMangoBoys was mentioning he had a sheet of ones and what certain things mean that he said he would send over to me at some point.

@cuda hunter we just painted the motor, manifolds, and brackets while we are swapping in a TKX 5 Speed from the stock auto. There are some pictures of the trans and stuff my dad posted in another conversation I think


@mtull @M1GRD @FF376  Here is my list of sayings.  As I was telling M1GRD at Carlisle, I worked with MANY young engineering co-op students who could not understand all of my little sayings that I often used.  So I made a list that became required reading for all incoming co-op students.  I don't think that I can share a word document, so I am cutting and pasting the list here.  I made the initial list, then a coworker in his thirties added to it saying that he got from his grandfather.

Old Geezer Sayings for Youngins to Learn

•    Fine as frogs hair
•    Lock stock and barrel
•    A bird in the hand is better than 2 in the bush
•    Katywompus
•    Lord willin and the creek don't rise (pronounced crick where I come from)
•    A pig in a poke
•    A stones throw
•    Fit as a fiddle
•    Barkin up the wrong tree
•    Bats in the belfry
•    Bells and whistles
•    Dog and pony show
•    Don't look a gift horse in the mouth
•    Bite the bullet
•    Time to get down to brass tacks
•    Burn the midnight oil
•    Chompin at the bit
•    Nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rockin chairs
•    Chip off the old block
•    The devil you know is better than the devil you don't
•    Don't count your chickens before their hatched
•    Throwing the baby out with the bathwater
•    Fish or cut bait
•    Beating a dead horse
•    Freezing the balls off a brass monkey
•    Colder than a witches tit in winter
•    Going off half cocked
•    Straight from the horses mouth
•    If you cant take the heat, get out of the kitchen
•    Be there with bells on
•    Jack of all trades master of none
•    Nip it in the bud
•    Not for all the tea in China
•    Once in a blue moon
•    Cash on the barrel head
•    Strike while the iron is hot
•    Chickens comin home to roost
•    A fly in the ointment
•    Up a creek without a paddle
•    Up shit creek without a paddle
•    Up shit creek
•    You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
•    Going the whole 9 yards
•    More than you can shake a stick at
•    Idle hands are the devil's workshop
•    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
•    You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear.
•    When pigs fly
•    Bleeding like a stuck pig
•    Lipstick on a pig
•    Hungry enough to eat the ahole out  of a skunk
•    Piss poor
•    Make hay while the sun shines
•    Burnin daylight
•    Fox guarding the hen house
•    Putting the cart before the horse.
•    Can't get blood from a turnip
•    Hold your horses
•    Penny wise and pound foolish
•    Bought it hook line and sinker
•    A month of Sundays
•    Hit the hay
•    Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick
•    Dumb as a box of rocks
•    Happier than a pig in mud
•    Rode hard and put away wet
•    Knee high to a grasshopper
•    Tit in the wringer
•    He (she, you) look like you've been through the wringer
•    Useless as tits on a bore hog
•    Between me, you and a fencepost
•    Slicker than snot on a doorknob.
•    Slicker than greased owl shit.
•    Between a rock and a hard place
•    Dead as a doornail
•    Sharp as a tack
•    Slower 'n molasses in January
•    Like a chicken with its head cut off
•    Your goose is cooked
•    Crooked as a dog's hind leg
•    Out of the frying pan, into the fire
•    Not the sharpest tool in the shed
•    A few brick short of a load
•    An iron in the fire
•    A bun in the oven (baby in womb)
•    Kill two birds with one stone
•    Don't get your panties in a bunch
•    Get your head out of the clouds
•    Get your head out of your arse
•    Six to one, half dozen to the other
•    The squeaky wheel gets the oil
•    Coming apart at the seams
•    A baker's dozen
•    A picture's worth a thousand words
•    Getting too big for your britches
•    Getting a big head
•    Eat an elephant one bite at a time
•    There's more than one way to skin a cat
•    Treat with kid gloves
•    Knock on wood
•    One hand washes the other
•    Tight as a drum
•    Run a tight ship
•    We'll cross that bridge when we come to it
•    Don't burn bridges
•    Up to your elbows in alligators
•    Heard it through the grapevine
•    Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger
•    The whole shebang
•    The early bird gets the worm
•    In a New York minute
•    You can take that to the bank
•    Don't throw good money after bad
•    The devil is in the details
•    The cat's meow
•    It takes two to tangle
•    Don't steal my thunder
•    Sharp as a tack
•    A fool and his money soon part ways
•    Look who (or what) the cat dragged in
•    Wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole
•    One rotten apple spoils the whole lot
•    There's a lid for every pot
•    It's a jungle out there
•    Dumb as a doorknob
•    When it rains it pours
•    It's raining cats and dogs
•    Sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite
•    What's good for the goose is good for the gander
•    Dry as a bone
•    Too many cooks in the kitchen
•    Too many cooks spoil the soup.
•    When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
•    You can plan a pretty picnic, but you can't predict the weather.


@M1GRD Did you do the tunnel modifications yet?  Are you using the hydraulic throw out bearing or a Z bar?  I think we talked about this but I don't recall.  Does your car have a console?  Did you get a clutch pedal and clutch pedal bracket yet?  I think I have an extra clutch pedal bracket if you need it.  I will give it to you.  Just let me know. I attached a pic here showing the bracket to the left of the clutch pedal.  These are all things that were challenges to us when we converted to a 4 speed A833OD from automatic. 


@GoMangoBoys we had an auto console in it but dad just wants the shift boot to the floor with no console. The tunnel has already been cut and we have an insert that fits for where we cut, but it just needs to be welded in. We are using a hydraulic throw out bearing to my knowledge and I'm good on the bracketry for the clutch pedal as it came with the TKX kit. Thanks though! Current issue I'm running into is the shoulder bolt on the clutch pedal assembly is hitting the brake light switch, but I'm hoping a new low profile bolt that Silver Sport Transmissions is sending out to me will solve this issue.