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Strange Starting - Or Not Starting - Troubleshooting

Started by 70_440-6Cuda, November 02, 2023, 06:51:20 PM

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Since I got my car it has had some starting issues I have been chasing down that are electrical related.  First issue was a toggle switch was installed in the road lamp location to act as "ignition on", previous owner called it a security kill switch.  I always hated the switch because I never knew if left or right was on or off and I left the ignition on and killed the battery more than once.  I removed the switch and wired the MSD correctly through the ballast in order to go back to the standard keyed ignition.  After I rewired the MSD to the key, the intermittent starting problem began - it would crank over but not fire - tested and no spark.  Turns out the issue was the factory connectors from the ballast were no good and after fixing the connectors it eliminated the cranking issue.  However I have a new issue that started a few weeks ago. Intermittently when you push the key to the crank position nothing happens. If I apply 12 volt power to the starter solenoid under the hood the car will crank and fire if the key is on.  I went to test the wires at the steering column coming from the ignition switch, and after unplugging and plugging that large connector in the steering column back in the problem seems to have vanished. It seems maybe there was a poor connection at the steering column coming from the key to the car harness, has anybody had this issue and any suggestions on making sure it's eliminated permanently? Looking for tips on reconditioning that plug if in fact that's the issue.  Anyone have a similar issue with that connector?

Posted this from my phone so sorry for any mistakes
You can't buy happiness, but you can buy horsepower and that's kind of the same thing.....


  I've seen many issues with that connector from meltdown, corrosion to the terminals pushing out of the connector.
   It sounds like the Yellow wire that energizes the starter relay has a problem. Tug on the wires at the connector to be sure it is seated correctly. Inspect that there is no corrosion or the female terminal is not out of shape. I have been able to close down the female bullet terminal using a tiny screwdriver slid between the connector & terminal. Adding dielectric grease may help prevent future issues. 

  If a terminal is not secure in the connector you can remove & spread the tabs
.         Doin It Southern Style

Jay Bee


Thanks!  I have a tool to remove those connectors so will get into it this weekend and see if anything jumps out - nothing worse than intermittent electrical gremlins! 
You can't buy happiness, but you can buy horsepower and that's kind of the same thing.....


It would also be a good idea to take the plug off the bulkhead connector that has that yellow wire and ensure it has a clean connection there as well.

Well, if you're in there anyway, take all the plugs off the BH connector and check them all - can't hurt.
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