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400 with 383 heads help!!!

Started by northerncuda2021, March 11, 2021, 10:21:26 AM

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Interested in what you final resolution turns out to be.

cuda hunter

If Neil is offering you a call, you should take it.  Great guy!!   

He's helped me many times.   Thanks again Neil!
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


If you've taken it down this far and don't have a ridge on the cylinders, you might just want to re-ring it and have the heads checked. A 30 lb spread in compression is a little much. Should be closer to 10% or 15 lbs max in your case. Like Neil said, new, known spec cam and lifters, Check all bearings, get a good rear seal and premium gasket set. Dig out that service manual and follow the specs. A few life observations, Just because something "works" doesn't always mean it is "working" properly. Example an engine that only runs at 2,000 RPM doesn't really means you have an engine that runs. And new parts are not always perfect. Just a bit of advice, don't ever assume that because something looks good or is new that it must be ok. Always personally verify each component for fit and function, unless it is machine work performed in a proficient shop. And even they aren't perfect.  For professionally rebuilt door hinges...