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Trans Mounts rebuild them or just buy new?

Started by 72 Challenger, July 31, 2018, 10:45:51 AM

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72 Challenger

My car has developed a vibration at that peaks at 2500 RPM. It honestly feel like it its right below me when I'm driving. I took my car over to a knowledgeable e-body man and asked him his opinion. He told me to take a good look at my trans mount.

So I crawled under the damn thing and lo and behold the rubber is separating from the metal and around where the bolt passes through the rubber has some cracks and is separating.

I did some research and they sell a poly insert that replaces the rubber and uses a sleeve vs a new mount I am comparing Product MD4230 vs Product 51101G both are on the same link above. (Just using this site to show the products, not an endorsement nor am I buying form them)

What would you do? I can't say I have ever changed a single transmission mount.

My mount looks fine in terms of looks since it was re-painted when the 727 trans was swapped in.

If it helps the car is a 1972 Dodge Challenger Rallye, 340, A727.
Someday I will have a J0b.

1 Wild R/T

Most of the replacement trans mounts are junk.... I've been using the urethane insert for years on assorted vehicles, never had an issue...


Yes: If I have an original in good shape I use it or I do the aftermarket insert. The insert doesn't look original but it functions well.


Mancini Racing

Prothane Transmission Mount
Item #: PTN4422

Price: $47.95

Chryco Psycho

Energy suspension has a poly insert , cut or burn out the rubber & slide in the ploy bushings , good to go  :twothumbsup:

72 Challenger

Alright thanks guys!

Looks like I am going to be popping in a new poly insert.
Someday I will have a J0b.


.         Doin It Southern Style


I've got one of the poly inserts but never used it.  I've read where some people have vibration issues when going to a poly trans mount.  :dunno:


I've never noticed any issues with them. I buy local too when I can, I like having local businesses around.