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Chemtool goes up in flames

Started by Mrbill426, June 14, 2021, 08:13:03 AM

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1 Wild R/T

Well you can bet they won't rebuild that plant... (At least not in Illinois)  Sorry for the folks who are left out of work....  It's good nobody was hurt or killed....


That is about 2 miles from my house. My parents live about 3/4 of a mile from it. They had to evacuate, and my dad being bedridden made that a pain. Luckily my oldest brother was able to take them in. Pics from my back yard. Trees make it hard to see. An ABC news chopper


The fire was horrific... dozens (about 50+) of different fire departments from distant towns and cities came to help put it out... done and no serious injuries.   

That factory is about 1-2 miles directly east of the road race track that I race at ... Blackhawk Farms Raceway.    I'll be there July 3-4-5 (W2W Pace Car duties on the 3-4, HPDE/HSAX for me racing on July 5).    Come out and watch!... or better yet... race with us!