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Facebook vs Forum

Started by Cuda Cody, January 07, 2017, 05:49:00 PM

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Cuda Cody

The Facebook page is beating us pretty good on total number of new members.  We all know a forum is better for many reasons.  But Facebook has it's advantages too.  What do you guys prefer, Facebook or a Forum?

Lets invite some of our friends to this great Forum.    :checkmail:


I have invited 5 or 6 so far.

Bills Auto Works

I put an announcement about the forum on my face book page, the Pontiac forum & the Stovebolt forum ( I like a lot of different vehicles) I prefer the forums over face book. Way easier to navigate a forum. I only use FB for personal stuff (friends, family, etc)



I joined Facebook YEARS ago, but I've never read any of the car related stuff on there....I think I'm better off not knowing, kind of like why I still don't own a cell phone.... :console:

I'll stick with posting on one forum..... :tired:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
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Forget FB. This is our home/your home.

Apples vs. Oranges.

Keep this as it's own. It'll grow well on it's own.   :alan2cents:


I belong to the Mopar Collectors Guide group on facebook.   Some really nice people there.  :cheers:


Lots of nice high end cars on the facebook page. Maybe they don't realize it's not just a facebook page?


Forum only for me. I dropped Facebook a few years back due to the massive privacy issues. if you have the Facebook app on your phone, did you know it can eat up an additional %20 of your battery life? why? because they track everything you do and send it back to homebase for analysis. did you know they can open up your phone camera and mic anytime they choose? on its face its for 'advertising' so they can capture keywords and target advertising your way ...... but that is some seriously CREEPY technology and a lot of potential for abuse.

remember: if you are not buying a product/service and the website is free, 98%+ of the time YOU are the product. how else do you think they make revenue? they have shareholders to report to
Growing older is mandatory...growing up is optional.

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

'70 Barracuda B5/B5 225 /6 3spd ... about as bare bones as they came


 :cheers:  definitely forum for me . . . Have a facebook account but never post anything . . . Just look at it.   :alan2cents:
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


One more vote for forum from me.   


I am for forum, Facebook is a disaster waiting to happen. I closed my facebook account
Get in, I'll drive

303 Mopar

I think FB has more members because it is easier access to the masses of more people on FB.  If you look at the quality of posts vs. here, its just a bunch of e-body pics.  This is where you come to find out the info you need, help people with the knowledge and experience you have, and get to know the guys that are really into their e-bodies.

I think the FB page is a flash in the pan and a great way to promote this forum.  Don't just go by number of members.


FB is for different use. And different demographics.  I think most of us are old farts.  8)  I know I see the odd/occasional "I'm new to the hobby and 22 years old" poster.  But ....

I'd use FB to drive people here.


I much prefer the forum. Any time I have tried to post a car or look at car stuf on FB.......let's just say the real knowledge is on the forums.
Keep yer foot in it


Forum only for me, dropped FB all together after I got married and decided I wanted to stay married lol
Looking for the right 70 Cuda project!