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Guess nobody is going to mention the "little" earthquake in Alaska?

Started by 1 Wild R/T, December 01, 2018, 11:35:38 AM

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Cuda Cody


Brings back memories of  the 89' Earthquake.
I was 5 miles from the epicenter.

Our town Los Gatos is snuggled up against the Santa Cruz mountains.

Before it hit, we could hear it coming.
All the trees in the mountains created a sound like an explosion was happening.

It was really weird sounding.

The after shocks are more frightening because you get the feeling it's gonna be just as big, or bigger than the first one. 

1 Wild R/T

Aftershocks definitely get your attention..... When the first quake hits your not really sure what has happened at first, need a few seconds to wrap your head around it.... And with allot of quakes that doesn't leave you much time to be scared...  I.E. Loma Prieta lasted 15 seconds....  The aftershocks you immediately know & you start looking for a safe place to ride it out....

Hopefully our members in Alaska haven't suffered much/any damage...


Hope everyone is safe and unharmed.

Also hope no Mopar's were destroyed     :unbelievable:

Data Moderator A66 Challenger Registry

Owner of 1970 A66 Challenger convertible


My brother and I were on a motorcycle tour thru Alaska a couple years ago riding the same highways that are now crumbled , that would not have been fun.

303 Mopar

A couple of people said it was an instant "bang" and very violent compared to a rolling type of quake. Hope everyone is ok.


Different areas create  different  \shock effect.

Mountainous areas are more of a jolt type.

Soft flat ground and it is more of a rolling type.