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Local custom shop open house pictures

Started by JH27N0B, August 06, 2024, 07:44:29 PM

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Not much Mopar there but still cool.
Voodoo Larry's custom shop is in a nearby suburb to me and does some super cool builds.
This was his 20th open house and perhaps his last, at least here, as he said he can't afford to do business in this failing state anymore.
Eddie Munster made an appearance, he looks a little different at age 70 then when he was in the show!
You guys in Texas might get the opportunity to attend Voodoo Larry's  21st!


Dragula would be cool to see in person! Thanks for posting!

cuda hunter

Thanks for posting!  That's a lotta pics!  Took a while. There are some pretty cool cars in there, even if they aren't all mopars. 

Typical democrat run state.  Texas is the place to go apparently.  Or any republican state for that matter.  I hope his shop doesn't fail.  We don't need anymore loss in the hotrod world.  But, democrats want to BAN OIL.   Why would any car guy vote Democrat?   It's beyond me.
Can't take political talk out of cars since the democrats want to ban everything about our cars and motorcycles. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee