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Snake season

Started by CudaMoparRay, May 31, 2017, 03:30:17 PM

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Our first visitor this season coming toward my house. Unlike the usual rattle snakes we get during the summer this one is supposedly non-poisonous but scary fast and long. Making sure it did not enter the garage where my 'Cuda is at. lol

Cuda Cody

Snakes scare me.   :o


First we had a spider thread . . . Now we have a snake thread.  I can certainly deal with the snakes more than the spiders.  When I lived out west, it was the scorpions that I worried about the most. 

Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


I hate all snakes too.

Chryco Psycho

We have everything here .
140 types of snakes 25 approx venomous  from tree to sea snakes , boas , coral snakes , pit vipers , constrictors you name it to the viscous Fer de Lance  ,however I have only seen approx 12 snakes in 6 years & 2/3 of those were dead staying warm on the highway .  I saw a totally black snake one day 7 thought it was a serpentine fan belt , I was only 1/2 right as it uncoiled & disappeared into the bush , I saw another 7-8 foot black snake near a waterfall , no interest in me at all , saw another 7 footer near my van the other day, green with length wise yellow stripes , maybe a R/T version with chartreuse stripes , I chased it but it was moving fast & wanted nothing to do with humans .
We have scorpions too but as long as you see them they move slow , the babies are the worst tiny but with 100% of the venom , easy to kill .
We also have a lot of spiders tarantulas etc most also avoid Humans as do most animals , I assume we have the recluse  here but maybe not  :notsure:

303 Mopar

Quote from: Cuda Cody on May 31, 2017, 05:53:11 PM
Snakes scare me.

Me too! I hate all kinds of snakes and don't want to have anything to do with them.  I live by a reservoir and have seen more Bull snakes than rattlers, which is a good thing if you have to pick the less of the two evils.   :unbelievable:


Here is South Florida snakes are common most aren't poisonous but we have a few that are. 


better than Australia where it seems like *every* native species can kill you in some way
The only thing flat earthers fear, is sphere itself.

'70 Barracuda B5/B5 225 /6 3spd ... about as bare bones as they came .... now in 4spd flavor for Reproduction Fender Tags


Same in South Florida, Let's see alligators, Tegu's (which is an iguana on steroids) nasty will attack you for the hell of it.  Burmese Pythons are taking over the Everglades and there is no natural predator not even a gator.  Oh we also have river otters.  Sound cute hu - Not.  They will attack your ankles until you fall and then you're done.  An older gentleman got attacked about 6 months ago.  That's just a few we have around here.   

Cuda Cody

Up here in the Northwest we have it the worst of all... we have Hipsters.  There's no known cure for Hipsteritus.  They have started breeding and reproducing at a high rate now too.   :stop: 

:haha: :haha: :rofl: :haha: :rofl:

Of course I'm just joking.  If you are a Hipster please know there is a cure.  Get yourself a E-Body and come over to my place to start your treatment plan.


I agree - Cody wins.    :1place:


After some more thought and deliberation there is one snake I would not mind going into my garage after all........
A Mopar Viper is always welcome lol

Chryco Psycho


For the single people out there....


Typically, the females are larger than the males. Here is proof of that...

Be careful. Don't get caught drinking the Kool-Aid or believing the hype.