Man, a lot of history with Mr. Gurney and the AAR legacy. With a new record of an average speed of 103 MPH from New York to Redondo Beach CA who knew that Brock Yates and Dan Gurney set the record back in 1971
Gurney/Yates Win First Cannonball, Polish Racing Hierarchy Finish Close Second. By Brad Niemcek - Competition Press & Autoweek, December 1971.
Redondo Beach, Calif., Nov. 17, 1971 – Dan Gurney and Brock Yates co-drove a Kirk F. White Ferrari Daytona coupe to a new unofficial record for cross-country vehicular travel here today. In the process, the team outran a field of seven others to win the first official Cannonball Baker Sea To Shining Sea Memorial Trophy Dash.
Gurney, the "retired" veteran of international racing, and Yates, a senior editor of Car & Driver magazine, covered the distance between New York City and the Portofino Inn on the Pacific Ocean here in 35 hours and 54 minutes.
They were only 53 minutes faster than the second-place finisher, a Chevrolet Sportsvan entered by Briggs Chevrolet-Ferrari, South Ambory, New Jersey for the three co-founders of the Polish Racing Drivers of American, Tony Adamowicz, Oscar Koveleski and Brad Niemcek. The PRDA team covered the distance in 36 hours and 47 minutes.
In fact, less than two hours separated the five fastest finishers, even through the event was run through rain, snow, sleet and got at various points long the routes the teams traveled.
That's moving pretty dang fast.
Now THAT sounds like a fun race!
A cannonball just sounds like the ultimate in racing platforms.
I did Detroit to LA in 4 days with a pickup and Uhaul full of car parts....1 st day, Detroit to Topeka to get out of bad weather. Not Fun.
I left my driveway in central N.Y. at 8 am on a Monday morning. went to a friends shop, changed oil, filter, checked tires and headed to the NYS thruway. by Wednesday at 5am i was knocking on my nieces door in Las Vegas. In a ford tempo of all things, and that was including finding her place as i had never been to Vegas before. I remember thinking if i only had a real car, like my old challenger, or my Trans-am I could have made better time across the desert as 75mph was all i wanted to push that car, because i was giving the car to my niece for collage. :driving:
1984 , Left Lake Jackson Texas about 6pm , arrived in Poughkeepsie NY about 30 hrs later , 1740 miles riding a Kawasaki KZ750 Twin.
Normally 500 miles is a good day riding, but everything was just going good that trip.