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73 seat sliders

Started by Crash520, February 21, 2017, 12:18:12 PM

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Guys, my 73 Cuda has its original standard seat runners, the adjustment runner is the outside runner, the inside runner has no adjustment settings, it looks like the repop units have the adjustments on both sides. Did any o them come out like that from the factory? Im just looking at options as right now both my seats kinda twist on braking and acceleration as they slide back and forth in that inside runner due to it not having the adjustment lock set up


1970 - '72 e-bodies had the locking inboard seat track, I believe during the '72 model year the lock was eliminated from the inboard side (same time the hard seatback & chrome seat back release  went away?)

Cuda Cody

Yes, I think 6bblgt is right.  They changed the seat rails at some point and got rid of the outside lock mech.


Do you guys know if the fit to the seat and floor contour of that inside track is the same on the 70-72 to the 73-74?

Cuda Cody

Yes, pretty sure the early year tracks will fit and work fine in the later year cars.  @Burdar  might be able to confirm for sure.  He's kinda the expert in the 72+ and up years.

Quote from: Crash520 on February 21, 2017, 03:38:38 PM
Do you guys know if the fit to the seat and floor contour of that inside track is the same on the 70-72 to the 73-74?


Good question.  I don't know the answer though.  They changed the front seats in 73.  The seat foam was molded around the seat frame instead of having separate foam.  I don't know if they changed the seat frame mounting at the same time or not. 

I've never heard of anyone having a problem because of not having an inner track lock but I've wondered if that could be an issue.  If I were you, I'd take a close look at the tracks and make sure they are in good condition and not loose for some reason.  :dunno:


Thanks Burdar, they are in good condition, it's primarily the passenger seat that now does it after cleaning years of hard grease and lint from it, probably the fact that the tract is now perfectly aligned with the holes in the floor there is no"side pre load" applied so there is no tension and clean grease etc causing the issue