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Barracuda Gran Coupe hard board headliner

Started by, May 06, 2019, 08:10:45 PM

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I haven't heard from SE headliners in a while. Is anyone still reproducing the hard headliners?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
1970 AAR Cuda 
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1 Wild R/T

Mike Goyette  AKA Dayclona  This number is old so IDK if it's still good...   508-977-0680


Yes: Mike is where my SE headliner came from.


any update on this?  I would love to have one but every number and email address I have found is either no longer working or no response.  TIA

cuda hunter

"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

1 Wild R/T

Mike G is a member over at Moparts... He was active there today... So if you belong to Moparts, or know someone who is you could try PMing him there, he goes by Dayclona... Imagine that....

Or you could try this email...


I appreciate that but I am not a member or know anyone who is (completely new to Mopars). 

I tried that email, never received a response.  Thank you for the reply
Quote from: 1 Wild R/T on August 02, 2019, 09:53:16 PM
Mike G is a member over at Moparts... He was active there today... So if you belong to Moparts, or know someone who is you could try PMing him there, he goes by Dayclona... Imagine that....

Or you could try this email...

1 Wild R/T

Quote from: chaosrob on August 03, 2019, 04:37:08 PM
I appreciate that but I am not a member or know anyone who is (completely new to Mopars). 

I tried that email, never received a response.  Thank you for the reply
Quote from: 1 Wild R/T on August 02, 2019, 09:53:16 PM
Mike G is a member over at Moparts... He was active there today... So if you belong to Moparts, or know someone who is you could try PMing him there, he goes by Dayclona... Imagine that....

Or you could try this email...

I believe Sheldon aka @RUNCHARGER posts there from time to time... Perhaps he can PM Mike for you...

Maybe you can PM Sheldon your contact info here & he can PM it to Mike over there.....


Thank you for the suggestions.  I registered over there and pm'd him.  He read the pm but never responded so I guess he either does not make them anymore or just doesn't want to answer me.  I suppose all these means dead in the water. 

Thanks again for the attempt
Quote from: 1 Wild R/T on August 03, 2019, 07:43:40 PM
Quote from: chaosrob on August 03, 2019, 04:37:08 PM
I appreciate that but I am not a member or know anyone who is (completely new to Mopars). 

I tried that email, never received a response.  Thank you for the reply
Quote from: 1 Wild R/T on August 02, 2019, 09:53:16 PM
Mike G is a member over at Moparts... He was active there today... So if you belong to Moparts, or know someone who is you could try PMing him there, he goes by Dayclona... Imagine that....

Or you could try this email...

I believe Sheldon aka @RUNCHARGER posts there from time to time... Perhaps he can PM Mike for you...

Maybe you can PM Sheldon your contact info here & he can PM it to Mike over there.....

1 Wild R/T

That's really odd, in my experiences with Mike in the past he always responded promptly...  I'd suggest PMing him again... Perhaps he got sidetracked & forgot to get back to you...  Hopefully it all works out..


 I got through to him twice a week ago. The only way I get through is to go through the website. He said thy still make the headliners, sail panels consoles and can provide extra material to cover the rear window surround. I would like to here from someone who has his product to see if it is good or not.
70' Challenger R/T SE in progress
66' Mustang fastback GT350 clone
Factory Five Cobra
70' Kawasaki H1
70' Honda CT 70

1 Wild R/T

Quote from: 70RTSE383 on August 06, 2019, 04:41:43 PM
I got through to him twice a week ago. The only way I get through is to go through the website. He said thy still make the headliners, sail panels consoles and can provide extra material to cover the rear window surround. I would like to here from someone who has his product to see if it is good or not.


Quote from: RUNCHARGER on May 07, 2019, 07:05:08 AM
Yes: Mike is where my SE headliner came from.


I used his fibreglas headliner backing in my SE. It fit perfectly which surprised me for such a large fibreglas piece. These are photos as it was going together, I don't know if you can see fit or not with all the black but it was really good. Mike is a real good guy, keep trying him he must be busy.
(Ha, ha, dang I wish I had kept this car!).


Not dogging on him just stating what happened.  Anything is possible but at this point I am just going to leave it alone and do something else.  I am not wired to chase someone to try to give them my money.
Quote from: 1 Wild R/T on August 06, 2019, 03:46:53 PM
That's really odd, in my experiences with Mike in the past he always responded promptly...  I'd suggest PMing him again... Perhaps he got sidetracked & forgot to get back to you...  Hopefully it all works out..


That looks really nice
Quote from: RUNCHARGER on August 06, 2019, 07:02:00 PM
I used his fibreglas headliner backing in my SE. It fit perfectly which surprised me for such a large fibreglas piece. These are photos as it was going together, I don't know if you can see fit or not with all the black but it was really good. Mike is a real good guy, keep trying him he must be busy.
(Ha, ha, dang I wish I had kept this car!).