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Center console mounting

Started by Katfish, January 13, 2018, 07:01:48 AM

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How many screws mount the center console?
I know there's 2 in the compartment, I'm guessing 2 more up front.

I'm tired of it rattling and thinking of using some sort of rubber isolators to mount the console.
I know there are rubber threaded inserts that might work for this.

Any thoughts or suggestions on better mounting system for the center console?


Quote from: Katfish on January 13, 2018, 07:01:48 AM
How many screws mount the center console?
I know there's 2 in the compartment, I'm guessing 2 more up front.

I'm tired of it rattling and thinking of using some sort of rubber isolators to mount the console.
I know there are rubber threaded inserts that might work for this.

Any thoughts or suggestions on better mounting system for the center console?

There are (4) in total. 2 ahead of the shifter opening and 2 in the compartment. I cut out some self adhesive foam sheet (1/8) thick and stick it to the metal bracket and then screw it down and no more rattles. I replace the foam whenever I take off the console. You can get 8 1/2 x 11 foam sheet at any craft store and its cheap $1 or less per sheet. You will only need one for many re attachments of the console. Plus the self adhesive comes off easy if you ever need to change it.

Should have mentioned that the 2 front ones are underneath the woodgrain plate so you have to remove the plate first.

Also when you have the console off, I would flip it over and tighten all the screws underneath as it is constructed off 2 pieces.


While not related to the console mounting, perhaps the auto linkage is the culprit in the rattling?
I have a four speed but my console never rattles?
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


Good input on the foam and linkage.
I think I'm getting a drivetrain vibration that's causing the consol rattle.

I'll grab some foam and the rubber inserts and give that a go with the top plate off to see if I can reduce and/or isolate the issue.