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Started by one bad fish, June 25, 2017, 06:59:24 AM

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one bad fish

I am new to this forum but have been a member at for a while. I have always been a mopar nut but like all kinds of classic muscle cars as I'm sure you all do. I have a 71 Barracuda that has been cloned into something that I appreciate a little more. Also into cummins diesel trucks as well. My son has a first gen and a second gen 12 valve. I have a 24 valve 2nd gen and currently looking for another in a long box. Looking forward to reading and learning. I am pretty well done with my car so was thinking of looking for a 70 Challenger and cloning it into a Dick Landy Hemi pro stock - love the colour combo of that car! I will post a couple pics of my car - hope it all works..[youtube][/]

one bad fish

Chryco Psycho

Welcome , Thanks for joining us here


The only thing flat earthers fear, is sphere itself.

'70 Barracuda B5/B5 225 /6 3spd ... about as bare bones as they came .... now in 4spd flavor for Reproduction Fender Tags

Cuda Cody

Welcome @one bad fish   :welcome:  Thanks for sharing some photos and the cool video of your Cuda.  Great looking muscle car you have there and it sounds like a Cuda should.   :clapping:

J-Code Jeni

You know how to make an entrance, @one bad fish !!   :worship: :unbelievable: It's wonderful your son is also into cool cars!

:welcome: & glad you joined!


Welcome One bad fish! Beautiful Cuda!  :welcome:


Welcome and nice car. I always loved the Landy Challengers as well, all years or different paint jobs always looked good.

Jay Bee

 :wave: Welcome aboard from St. Catharine's, ON.

one bad fish

Quote from: RUNCHARGER on June 25, 2017, 08:52:43 AM
Welcome and nice car. I always loved the Landy Challengers as well, all years or different paint jobs always looked good.
I can't get this Challenger out of my head.....if I was to build another car it would be exactly like this one!

Cuda Cody

 :lookatthat:  Pretty sweet.   :yes:


Welcome, and that's one sweet looking ride.   Thanks,   Al


Great looking car. Welcome from Sylmar, CA


Welcome from Utah!  :welcome:  Glad you didn't go over the 80 MPH speed limit.  :stayinlane:


Welcome aboard. Love that Cuda. The pictures look nice..[/size][/font]  For professionally rebuilt door hinges...