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Hello from CT

Started by 71RT383, November 23, 2019, 08:49:32 AM

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Hello from CT,
        I joined on Veterans Day, so first and foremost a belated Happy Veterans day to All!
I especially like Thank the Veterans of Past, Present, and Future. God Bless You and Your Families!
        I have a 71 Challenger R/T (2nd one that I've owned), bought it in 86; EV2, Black vinyl roof, matching#'s, 383 Magnum, 4spd, A/C, PDB, M28, and a few other options. Will be redoing the seats to original (H5X9) orange, red, and black plaid cloth and black vinyl.
        Years later, sold it to a friend then bought it back when he started to dismantle it and realized the dedication needed to restore it.
Been working on what and when I could due to time constraints.  Recently finished putting the dash panel together. Looking soon to install it with the steering column.
       Any recommendations on brand, manufacturer, type, color  etc. used for paint and markers  on the transmission, rear cover and axle housings would be appreciated. I have the 3 digit # on the trans, appears to be yellow. I will look into the # stamps on this site.
        Looking forward to being a part of this community!
     Thank you,
Knowledge through experience is only a secret, until shared to Help Others.

cuda hunter

Howdy and welcome from Colorado!  Nice looking project you have there. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

Cuda Cody

Welcome to the forum @71RT383   :welcome:  Sweet project you have.  :veryexcited:  I love that color.


 :welcome: to the site. sweet challenger  :cheers:


Great  :welcome: from Riverside, CA


 :welcome: from Utah.  Keep us posted on your progress!  Lots of good people here to lend a hand.

Jay Bee

 :wave:  Welcome aboard from Ontario  :canada:  Nice work on the Chally so far  :bigthumb: 


 :welcome: From central New York! Looks like it's ready for some color.  :cheers:


 :welcome: aboard. Are you talking about doing inspection marks and stamps ? If so you generally get that info from the parts that you are restoring. If the original stampings/markings are not there than you can probably use a reference book like one from MMC [/font  For professionally rebuilt door hinges...


:wave: welcome to the site from Buffalo, NY.   Glad to have you with us. 


Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club


Welcome from ct what town are you from can't be far from me.

Chryco Psycho

Welcome from Panama , great seeing another one restored  :twothumbsup:


Welcome and thanks for signing up.  Getting closer.   :bradsthumb:


       Thank you, All that welcomed me to the "" community!
In my intro, I loaded 6 pictures, only 5 were visible, the 6th showed as an attachment (not an opened picture) :huh: .
   So, here's that picture and a few more. If 7 do not show then open the attachment picture(s) listed.
  Enjoy, Thanks,
Knowledge through experience is only a secret, until shared to Help Others.