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XeGnome (Revs other half)

Started by XeGnome, March 02, 2017, 07:25:36 PM

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Evening Folks!   I am Revs other half.   My first car was a `51 Wilys Jeep and spent many years as a Chevy Guy. (please don't throw rocks at me)  :bricks:

blown motor

Welcome to the site. You're making it a family affair.  :ohyeah: Oh, I just through rocks at Fords, you're safe with me.  :)
Who has more fun than people!
68 Charger R/T    74 Challenger Rallye 
12 Challenger RT Classic    15 Challenger SXT
79 Macho Power Wagon clone    17 Ram Rebel

Cuda Cody

Glad to have you here @XeGnome    :welcome:  Rev is a special lady.  You are a lucky man. 

Thanks for joining us.   :drinkingbud:


I love her completely.   Just ask her about "Life with the parts guy"


Flipping awesome!!!!!  I was wondering!   So we are hanging at Carlisle!  SWWEEEEETTT!
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!

Chryco Psycho

Hey A big Welcome  :veryexcited:
You both are lucky to have each other  :drinkingbud:
Great to have you join us here !!


In the immortal words of Jimmy Scott- "pace yourself!"


Welcome to the Show   :woohoo:  Recon Rev's got ya speakin Mopar by now  :whiteflag:
.                                               [glow=black,42,300]Doin It Southern Syle[/glow]       

J-Code Jeni

Hello &  :welcome: @XeGnome ! Glad you joined! Super choice for your first car, btw!! Too cool!


 :wave:  :welcome:  I've had a few Chevy's, Buicks too, they haven't thrown rocks at me yet!


Welcome aboard sir....   :banana:   :ohyeah:


The only thing flat earthers fear, is sphere itself.

'70 Barracuda B5/B5 225 /6 3spd ... about as bare bones as they came .... now in 4spd flavor for Reproduction Fender Tags