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1971 challenger tail panel with taillights.

Started by Mr Cuda, February 12, 2022, 09:05:12 PM

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Mr Cuda

As I mentioned,  I was going to be sorting through all my stuff and getting rid of all non barracuda parts.
I've been saving this since 1982 for my long lost dream of having turquoise R/T with side scoops. Like making one from a 72-4.
Not happening now.
I can get it down and get detailed pictures for interested parties.
  Rear body panel is straight,  has trunk lock support and rear crossmember is good.  Does have 2 holes from a cheesy trailer hitch
Ebay is $450 up for taillights, 
Let's start at $700
Shipping is going to be a burden,  great for someone in Washington-Oregon


@Mr Cuda       

Hi. I'm interested in the tail panel. sent you an e-mail

Mr Cuda

@1black71rt. One person ahead of you.  Pictures for everyone.
Nice day, no rain.

Mr Cuda

The car went down a guardrail on both sides.
Small compression of the end curve of rear body panel on one side
Other side has minor previous repair with bondo.
Hauling it to a swap meet, the textured argent got damaged,  never left the wall again
As mentioned holes from bolt on hitch.lenses look beautiful. No rusty seams.


Thanks, if the first person doesn't buy it I'm still wanting it.
What is your location?

Mr Cuda

Well, I put it back on the wall to get it out of my way.
I'm not having much luck with PM's. keep getting messages from e' that my messages don't go through.
  1black71rt is up, any others?
Yes shipping is going to suck, I'm  near Seattle and everyone is on the east coast.
So bump.


Well being in ohio it's going to be to far for me to get.
Could be an option to ship greyhound bus.