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Started by MOPAR MITCH, August 22, 2023, 12:08:32 PM

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T/A CYLINDER HEADS FOR SALE -- I have four (4) bare T/A Cylinder Heads for sale.   These have been my personal spares in case I would need them for my T/A race car.  I've had them for over 30+ years -- stored indoors.  They are not damaged or rusted, but would need a complete overhaul (hot-tank, resurfacing, etc) by a reputable machine shop.   The Intake ports are not massaged at all; two heads appear to have their exhaust ports slightly massaged.   I am willing to sell all four heads for $3000; will split them as pairs for $1500.  Price is firm.   (Note:  I do NOT have extra T/A rockers, etc., to sell at this time... maybe in the future as I'm still using other T/A heads for my race car).   Serious only, please.  I'd be willing to bring to MOPARTY at Bowling Green, KY. 

Please text my cell at 847-six-eight-two-0807 for quickest response.  I have pictures that I can send (too large to post on this site).

Mopar Mitch
Chicago area


I am interested in a pair, txt sent.