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Wanted: ECS Challenger Trunk Mat

Started by TWS, December 27, 2021, 03:02:02 PM

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Thanks 69Bfan, I'm know much more about the subject now thanks to your insight!  :bigthumb:
I wasn't aware of there being different thicknesses of mats available either so that's good to know.  I bought an REM one off a vendor table at an Indy Cylinder head show a while back before ECS released theirs and after looking at it when I got home decided I'd thrown away my money as it didn't look worthy of being used as anything but a table cover!
I'm glad I got one ECS mat when they first came out, but I was going to buy at least one more.  Shoulda, coulda woulda!
Not the first time a good repro product has been released and then been discontinued.  Lesson there is if you need something but think you can wait to buy because it will be awhile before you actually install it, you might want to think again!  :alan2cents:


This is a pretty good example of things to come, buy the best repo items you can in multiples.  The BE&A parts are another good example of the best repos selling out.