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Build sheet found in another car:)

Started by TX9-70, May 25, 2017, 10:45:29 PM

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Hi i find a build sheet  :bradsthumb:
Contact me if it´s your car

Cuda Cody


Thanks for sharing @TX9-70   Hopefully we can find the original car and make someones day.  Did you find your sheet also, or was it just the wrong sheet?


Find right sheet and wrong sheet in both chairs
A mate car(Hemi cuda-70 :twothumbsup:)

Cuda Cody

You pulled 2 sheets out of a Hemi Cuda?   :bigmoney:  And you have the Hemi Cuda?   :clapping:  Would have guessed all the Hemi Cuda sheets had been pulled out already.   :drinkingbud:  Nice find.


Mate car. front seats never restored:)
Back seat sheet they put out 20 years ago.
So nice find :bradsthumb:


"limelight" hemi'cuda w/black leather  :wowzers:  haven't heard of the Gran Coupe