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383 Crankshafts

Started by Sleepychallenger, November 24, 2018, 06:55:22 PM

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I have 3 383 cranks, 1 70, 1 71, and not sure what the other is. Is there even interest out there for these or would I be better off scrapping them.

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Chryco Psycho

How is life treating you !??
Ok here is my  :alan2cents: the 383 cranks are similar to the 400 cranks but the 383 are steel cranks so they should be worth keeping , However anyone building 400s are typically using the 440 crank to get to 451 CI so demand will be low for them anyway .


Things are going pretty well. Getting ready to head overseas for a little while after the holidays.

I appreciate your $0.02. I'm not sure what to do with them since they are just sitting under a table in the garage taking up space. My 383 dropped a valve a while back and I decided to go the stroker route and have these extra parts laying around that I just dont know if I should hold on to them or get em gone and say oh well

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The 71 383 crank could be cast. I think the forged ones have some value as well but only at a local swap meet.


The guy I picked up the 71 stuff from was telling me one was cast but dont know how to check. Got 2 cranks from him. Pretty much got an engine and a half from him and only needed the block

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Chryco Psycho

True the 383 2 bbl could be cast
if the counterweights are rounded & look stretched they are steel , if they are perfectly formed with sharp edges on the counterweights they are cast

Chryco Psycho

forged is on the left


I'll have to dig them out and take a look.

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Stand them up on the flywheel side and grab a medal wrench and give them a quick hit. The forged will sound loud and sharp ring and the cast will be more of a thud. OLD SCHOOL WAY !

Chryco Psycho

Don't hit the brg surfaces !!