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72 cuda

Started by cuda hunter, May 02, 2023, 06:39:39 PM

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cuda hunter

Quote from: 70 Challenger Lover on May 07, 2023, 09:34:44 AM
gauntlet of hate.

That does appear to be the truth there!  That's why I come here.  You guys are great.
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Quote from: 70 Challenger Lover on May 07, 2023, 09:34:44 AM
FB definitely has more variety in my opinion. If you post that car on 20 different groups, you will consistently get 10% of the opinions stating that car is only worth $500 at most. Lots and lots of ridiculously low values. Those are typically the trolls, haters and flippers.

Another 10% will be extremely high and also unhelpful. But a huge majority will be more realistic and even offer information to support their beliefs, which then turn into heated arguments and the poster deletes his post.

If you ask for values on FB, it can be helpful but you gotta sift out the bullsht. You also get about 100 people trying to buy it from you.

FB can be good to find deals (I've bought two great e bodies off there) but it's horrible to sell a car on FB. Everyone wants a crazy good deal and if you post it too high, you get to walk a gauntlet of hate.

:iagree: If you want opinions ask on FB! I do think there are a lot of overpriced cars on FB - sellers fishing for some rich guy who has to have it, much like the auctions but how many actually sell for those prices? Location also matters - certain areas fetch more money than others.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club

cuda hunter

Location definitely makes a difference.

I could take this over to the rust belt and get more money for it.
Shipping, 4 days drive time (lost wages) and then someone who wants to haggle me since I brought it out there and can't return as easily. 

I am not a flipper though. Not the dolphin type or the car type. 
But I might need to sell several other cars if I get this one. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

Since this is a WIW thread I had better list my experience with this car.

This fella won't even consider the sell for anything less than something north of 16K. 
Maybe 18k?   

Unfortunately the dirt farmers out here have waaaay more money than I will ever have so he wont' sell it as there are so many "other" people who will pay his price.  Although he hasn't sold it for that.

So, I'm out. 
Restored the car is maybe,    maybe worth 35K.   I do see the occasional 2-4 sell in the 40 range but not that often.  High dollar restomods are not what I am comparing to.  Am I wrong?
A restoration will cost 30K minimum.

The car will sit there under dust and pigeon crap for another 15 years I guess.  His kids will inherit it and they can do whatever.  In the mean time the build sheet just decays away. 

  It was fun to find and look at. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


$16k is the "I don`t need to sell it" price. I see some `72-74 sellers asking $50k or more but not sure they sell that high, I could see $40-45k for that `cuda if it was real nice and correct. I am going to up my insurance value on my modified driver quality BH Barracuda which is currently at $30k and I`m debating to ask for $35 or $40k.  :dunno:
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club