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Can't get a drum off of shoes

Started by cuda hunter, May 08, 2021, 02:47:27 PM

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cuda hunter

1967 barracuda front drums. One side no issue whatsoever. All bolts on this car remove very easy. However the passengers side drum will not release from the shoes. I've beat it, pried it, soaked it in brake cleaner, soaked it in blaster. smacked from the back and sides.
I have a plasma cutter. I have a sledge hammer.
But I need this thing to roll after I get the drum off.

Any suggestions?
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


worst case scenario would be to grind the heads off the hold down pins, It sounds like the shoes are not getting past the ridge. providing it still turns that is. If the drum it not rotating, that may be your only choice. I take it you backed the adjuster off already.  :alan2cents:


Does it not have the slot in the back ( remove rubber plug)  to back off the star wheel adjuster with a flat screwdriver? Or is it all rusted and seized ?


Dumb suggestion but I've seen it happen over n over
Is the parking brake off ?
A friend of mine tried for almost an hour abd then realized it was the parking brake being on


If you heat it with a torch where the drum meets the spindle it will loosen it enough that smacking it with a 3lb hammer should work, it's probably rusted to the spindle. Might have to regrease the bearings but should be ok.

cuda hunter

This was quite the day.  Took me forever.  Long story short, I got the drums off.  went through every step of the process.  Now I can get this dang non rust notch back barracuda roller out of my garage so I can put my beautiful 1971 Newport Custom into the garage.  She hasn't seen stars in her whole life with the exception of the last month or two. 
Thanks for the comments guys!

Now, if you want a read, and you want the short story long, go here.

If you want to see pictures of the beautiful Mrs. Billet (newport) go here.
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

Chryco Psycho

What a battle !!
Glad you won in the end !! :bradsthumb:


Wow. Quite a day in the garage :wrenching:
Glad you won out without too much destruction.  :bigthumb:

And I learned about swedged drums.......
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill