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70 Challenger Grille black over argent

Started by atdoray, July 24, 2022, 08:49:30 AM

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Hello, I have an NOS 70 Challenger grille to put on and all of the NOS grilles came in argent and needed to be painted. Does anyone have any suggestions on removing the texture from the argent before spraying out the black? I imagine the texture will come through if we spray directly over the argent.


I had to do the same.

Unfortunately you will have to sand the Argent down to the point where you can then apply couple coats of sandable primer, then sand again. I then used SEM Trim Black. For sure you must mask all the unpainted aluminum BEFORE sanding.

Extreme method I think is to sand the whole thing down, including all the clear anodize on the aluminum. Would have to take apart the whole grill to do that. Then polish and send it out for re-anodize. Then reassemble and spray the black areas. I would like to do that someday, but I'm sure it is a major project.

So I took the first path, but maybe others have alternate methods to tackle the Argent on the grill