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Custom hood emblems

Started by peterro, June 14, 2018, 08:39:20 PM

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Hey all,

I had a set of hood emblems made by a few years ago and now I want something a bit different. They now are not responding at all. Anyone have any other ideas?

I'm wanting "440 Port Injected"


Thanks. I sent them a quote request. Let's see what they say. The unresponsive company was ~$120-150 for the pair.


If you can design the logo for the emblem, there are lots of online 3D printing places that can bang you up 1 out of steel, plastic etc for a fairly decent price
1973 BS23H Cuda' 340/TKX 5 speed (70 AAR clone-ish)


That's a good idea. I may look at doing that. Billet badges wanted $520 for a pair of emblems.


Try any local cnc shop. Might be able to have some made up for what you want. I would estimate the $500 range minimum.
Made my own a few years ago. No longer can make them but if you strike out. I could generate the 3D model file for you. No charge. For the first one of course. Lol.
Life is to be viewed thru the windshield. Not rear view mirror.
You are the only one in charge of your destiny.



To close the loop on this, I was contacted by and am having a new pair of emblems "440 Port Injected" made. I expect to see them in about the next week. The pair was about $250.


When I added the power bulge hood to my SL6 Challenger, I've always thought the performance hood on the Challenger really looked good, I needed a special hood call out. Besides the new Challengers all have the twin scooped hood, whether V8 or V6. Since I scored on a beautiful power bulge, with no major metal work needed  for $50. W/ 383 call outs. I have to let people know it's a six cylinder car, in a unique way. So, a mid 60's Buick Electra  225 and the MAGNUM half of the original hood call out, gave me the call out I was after.  Thanks,   Al


Finished product.


Very cool.
Were they complete as you are showing or did you have to finish and paint them prior to install?
Life is to be viewed thru the windshield. Not rear view mirror.
You are the only one in charge of your destiny.



Received them exactly as pictured. I removed my previous "440 Four Barrel" custom ones (if anyone is interested) to replace. Pretty easy, warm with heat gun, some fishing line, and then the remaining adhesive easily peels off.


Those are neat, are they plastic or metal ?
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


Aluminum. They also helped me scale the lettering to my particular need because I have 3 holes for factory mount in the hood. I took careful measurements of the size/spacing of the holes and they made sure the letter-spacing of the physical emblem would cover them. They sent me a 1:1 drawing I printed out to validate. Was very cool.


I found a local guy to do mine (200.00). a club member is working on painting them for me.
