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Door Interchange 70-74 Cuda

Started by grapeape, July 05, 2017, 10:55:55 AM

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I am a relatively new E-body owner, I've had A-bodies for years.  In November, I purchased a '73 Barracuda, the passenger
door is rusted in the core itself beyond repair.  The skin is ok, but the drip rail, bottom is completely rotten.  I have found a '70 door that is local and rust free.  Can I take my internals, windows (manual), interior panels, etc. and bolt the new '70 door
to my '73, or is there something I'm not aware of.  The '73 door is all there and working, just rusted beyond repair.  Thanks, Don

Cuda Cody

The 1970 door will fit and line up fine, but the 1970 doors used a different mounting system for the window fuzzies (cat whiskers / window felts).  The cat whiskers clip in to place on a 1970 door and I think the 1971-1974 screw in.

The inside half of the metal door is also a little different on a 1971-73 compared to a 1970.  The indent area at the top for the window mech is larger on one.... can't remember what one is the larger one though?   :thinking:  So if I recall, I think 1 mech will work on both doors, but the other will only work on the specific smaller indent door.  I thought there was a thread about that recently.  I'll see if I can find it.


Thanks Cody, this car is a nice driver but will never be more than a nice car to drive, unless I put a lot of $$$ into it, which I do not plan to do.    All the window felts on both sides are worn, both doors rattle when you close them.  Bottom Line:  $120 for a rust free door sounds cheap, I see them on CL for $300-$400/each.  I'm a little concerned about your first comment regarding the crank.  If I'm just looking at 70 whiskers on the passenger door and 73 whiskers on the drivers door I'm ok with that.  Do I need to find new internals, or will the window crank, etc. (internals work)?  BTW:  Speaking of the window crank... First time I took my 6 yo grandson in the car, he asked me what the window crank was...

Cuda Cody

$120 for a clean rust free door shell is really cheap.   :yes:  And I think the 1971-74 window mechs will fit in a 1970 door, but not the other way around.   :notsure:   

It's hard to pass up that price on the door if it really rust free.   :alan2cents:


Thanks, I'll keep watching this post, that was my thinking.  I'll pick it up and see if I can make it work.  If not, I'll put it out there for someone else..  I really appreciate your help... Don


Quote from: Cuda Cody on July 05, 2017, 11:18:53 AM

And I think the 1971-74 window mechs will fit in a 1970 door, but not the other way around.   :notsure:   

Yes, the later style regulators (mid 71 change, no exact date) will fit all doors. 70 regulators WILL only fit 70 doors and 71 doors before the change over.  :alan2cents:



Got the door, $120 with the window, regulator, door handle, door clasp, etc.  What a pain in the @$$ taking it apart... Thanks, again everyone, just a little surface rust from sitting in the southern CA sky... Don

Cuda Cody

$120 with the guts is a great deal.  :banana: