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Luggage Rack Installation

Started by hemi135, September 14, 2023, 11:27:18 AM

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Does anyone have a short video of a luggage rack installation?  I'm finding little luck finding anything on the internet.

I'm trying to install a luggage rack on a 70 Cuda decklid.  You would think it's easy as I have the hardware kit and rack from PG Classics/Yearone.  I have a brand new decklid from Goodmark as well.  I've drilled one locating hole per the mopar instructions which are vague at best.  I understand six holes are drilled at 11/32" for only four rivnuts.  The outers don't get a rivnut as they are secured by a threaded stud and nut with a lock washer.

I started dry fitting one rivnut in the drilled 11/32" hole and placing the round rubber washer down first, then the round plate on top of the rubber washer but it DOESN'T lay flat on the rubber.  The rivnut doesn't fit under the round plate leaving a gap between the round plate and rubber washer.  This isn't right and would cause a massive water leak in the trunk for sure, not to mention would look horribly wrong.  I also have in the hardware kit these 4 clear round things with a small hole drilled at the center.  Where in God's name do these go in this whole assembly? 

I do have Mopar's original assembly instructions so that a mute point but obviously they are vague..

What am I missing here and if someone has recently done a install on these, any insight would be helpful....Thank you