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Found 70-72 Cuda.

Started by gaddied, June 07, 2017, 06:06:39 PM

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20 years ago I would have overlooked this car because of the colour, Nowadays it is more interesting to me than the "traditional" colours.

303 Mopar

Quote from: RUNCHARGER on July 03, 2017, 12:52:38 PM
20 years ago I would have overlooked this car because of the colour, Nowadays it is more interesting to me than the "traditional" colours.

:iagree:  That and Cudas in good shape at a decent price are getting harder to find.



Quote from: Cuda Cody on July 03, 2017, 12:30:22 PM
Super excited for you buddy.  You found a very nice car for sure.  Doesn't really matter what it costs if it's the car you wanted. And you almost never lose buying clean solid cars... so maybe just look at it like you paid the right price a little early.   :bigthumb:

If you want to decoder your Build Sheet, you can do it here for free:

Quote from: gaddied on July 03, 2017, 09:30:49 AM
Thanks for all of the great replies !
The cuda is all original expect for one repaint done in 2008 and tires. It has 90,000 miles on it . There is a built sheet that documents that the Cuda is the way it left the factory . Before I bought I had AAG inspect it. He said it was one of the best cars he had inspected in the last year. He also said not to pass it up.
It wasn't cheap but when I seen that color I had to have it.
There was only three hundred and some painted FT6  burnt tan metallic color in 1970.
So now I am  a Mopar lover and liking it!




That's a nice looking Cuda gaddied, congrats on finding what you wanted. Do you plan on going to any local car shows with it? I will have to keep an eye out for your car.
I usually walk through this one:, as its the wife's hometown. Nice little car show and close to you.

p.s. you might want to update this thread's title with a "found one" or something, so others don't think you are still looking for a car.