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Friend needs help with weird problem.

Started by js27, January 24, 2020, 08:55:46 AM

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OKAY a friend of mine has a 70 T/A and is experiencing something I have never heard of. Car was running just fine and in Dec. he took it out for a ride and when he pulled it in the garage he put it in park and the starter started to spin. It also does it when he puts it in neutral. He put it in gear and it did not spin and he shut the car off.Even with the key out of the ignition the starter will still spin in park and neutral. Before you start shouting out answers he already changed the starter--the starter relay--neutral safety switch-disconnected  the steering column so the ignition switch was dis-connected and it still does it.  He put a meter on the wires going to the relay and the ignition wire stays HOT even with the key off. He visually checked the harness and could not see any burnt or melted wires. This a a completely restored T/A and a beauty at that. He is now going to start buying and replacing the wiring harnesses. Any body ever had this problem ????

Cuda Cody

Original, stock reproduction or modified wiring?


Quote from: Cuda Cody on January 24, 2020, 09:17:07 AM
Original, stock reproduction or modified wiring?

I believe it is all original wiring.

Rich G.

That's a tough one but you eliminated a lot of stuff. So you're saying if you disconnect the ignition wire off the relay with everything else connected it won't crank but if you connect it it will start cranking without the key??? You disconnected the ignition switch on the column so you can eliminate the switch and harness. I would trace the ignition wire from the relay back and see if it rubbed through anywhere. Also check the bulkhead connector to see if anything is melted together.


Bulkhead would be my first place to go.  :alan2cents:


From what i understand, i would remove the reverse light/neutral safety switch wire connector, from the bulkhead connector and try the park/neutral/drive gear routine. If nothing happens, then it must be the reverse light/neutral safety switch wires mixing with each other from heat melting (i eliminated the switch because it was changed).


Quote from: TelisSE440 on January 24, 2020, 02:01:57 PM
From what i understand, i would remove the reverse light/neutral safety switch wire connector, from the bulkhead connector and try the park/neutral/drive gear routine. If nothing happens, then it must be the reverse light/neutral safety switch wires mixing with each other from heat melting (i eliminated the switch because it was changed).
I don't see how this could be the problem..... The NSS provides the ground to the relay & based on the OP's statement that the starter engages only in park & neutral indicates that side is working properly.
   I think Rich G. is on track with the yellow wire being shorted to another hot wire somewhere in the harness or bulkhead. 
.         Doin It Southern Style