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Hug your E-body.

Started by RUNCHARGER, July 16, 2017, 08:55:31 AM

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So half of our province is on fire, B.C. is about the size of Ca., Ore. and Wa. state together and it's especially dry this year. I just was talking to my friend Greg as there was an evacuation last night in his area. He's not sure if his Cuda is gone or not at this point. Neighbors house was on fire (in the country) and garage where Cuda is housed got hit with fire retadent dropped from the plane. Won't be able to go back in for a day or two to check on what might be gone. The road into the garage acted as a fire guard initially but they're not sure right now. I went through through this myself 3 years ago as well. Just a bit stressful when you're going through it.
Our neighbors in neighboring Alberta and Saskatchewan are doing all they can to help us fight the fires and supply victims with the necessities of life and we are grateful for that.

Cuda Cody

So sorry to hear about the fires.  I had no idea all that was going on right now.  Must feel totally helpless not being able to go home and fight the fires.

1 Wild R/T

Hopefully Greg's shop & car will be safe....   Bad situation.... This is a buddy of mine.... He saved some but lost some too....


He must be around me as I'm in the interior of bc. The city is packed right now with lots of evacuated people. Very sad time for people.  Everyone is pulling together to help out :canada:


They were on the sundeck of the house about 1 or 2 miles from the lake. They seen the fire start down by the lake and it came up to them  quite quickly. They went inside, grabbed passports and papers and the dog. By the time they headed down the driveway the hillside beside the road/driveway was on fire. They met a DC8 flying in and almost got hit with fire retardent on the way out. Then there were two more bombers behind the first. I guess there were some waterbombers and such at the nearby airport and they sprung into action almost immediately. Greg says the winds are shifting again though we'll see what today brings.

Cuda Cody

It's so weird to hear that you have had a dry winter.  We had the wettest winter I think we've ever had in history and we're just down in WA state.  Last year the one of the driest.


This sucks, scary. I haven't heard a thing about this in our news, hoping and praying for the best. Didn't realize it's that dry up there. Had relatives there always was very green, Wow!


Shoooter: Greg lives in Winfield. This is the view behind our house, we sure live in beautiful country but you can see how it can get out of hand in a hurry.


I just read about this. Not sure how I could handle being so helpless. Hope all is safe.

cuda dad

I'm glad your friend is safe and I hope his car is too.  We will be hoping for the best to all of you folks up there.


Helpless is the perfect way to describe the feeling alright. I think we were out of our house 5 days when it happened to us. There was absolutely nothing we could do to control our situation.


Holy crap!  That is very a really sad situation!  I guess I would want to stay and fight for my sh!t as much as I could . . . Even if it killed me . .

Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


Wow! Prayers sent..... such a horrible situation, I can only imagine!


Wow terrible..Is that the only car he has there that is in trouble ?
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Chryco Psycho

This is terrible , My condolences & prayers