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Looking for reliable engine shop in Eastern Pennsylvania

Started by erik70rt, January 28, 2020, 08:04:10 AM

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My usual engine guy decided to retire and closed his shop, so now I need to find a new place to do my machine work and such.

Any suggestions on a reliable place in Eastern PA or NW NJ?

There is one place by me called Precision Engines and I once took a block there to get cleaned.  Looked just as bad when I got it back as when I gave it to them.  So I asked around and they have a very bad reputation. 
Contrary to the opinions of some, I am not dumber than I look.


When I raced back in the day I used a Guy In Wilkes Barre named John Gulis-I believe he is still there. Builds lots of record holding Stock and Suoer Stock.


Quote from: js27 on January 28, 2020, 08:54:09 AM
When I raced back in the day I used a Guy In Wilkes Barre named John Gulis-I believe he is still there. Builds lots of recording Stock and Suoer Stock.

Thanks, Al!  I looked him up and he's still there! :ohyeah:
Contrary to the opinions of some, I am not dumber than I look.