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Started by CudaHead, September 11, 2018, 12:50:06 PM

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I am working on finding a part throttle miss on my 70 Barracuda. I had put in a Pertronix Flame-Thrower III distributor and I could not find the problem. I bought an Ignition Analyzer and it was showing some noise on two cylinders.
I decided to reinstall the original point distributor back in to see if the miss goes away. I noticed the points were shot, so I'm off to AutoZone for new ones.
I walk up to the counter and asked for points and condenser. The guy looks up from his computer and says "What's That?"  I explained that they are parts of a distributor and he says "How do you spell that". 


Ya gota love it!!! Car over 40, kid under 25. There was A 20 something in my place that saw an oil spout from the days of oil cans, he not only could not figure it out , but did not be leave me.  ::) 

Rich G.

Napa store by me had them in stock! Counter guy said it was the first time he sold them. Older guy laughed at him. I couldn't believe how much points, condenser, cap and rotor cost these days!!!


I had a guy at the parts counter tell my challenger did not come with an 8 3/4 rear in it.


My experience is your best go arrive with the part number if it's more complicated than a vacuum hose..........  :deadhorse: 
.         Doin It Southern Style


The opposite was true for  a friend of mine. He managed a small auto parts store in Reno, in the early 80's. He never learned how to get on a computer. About seven years ago he decided to work for Monument Auto Parts (MAP), a store chain with seven locations. MAP hired him based on his old previous work history but his computer skills were never discussed only his mechanical aptitude. MAP fired him the second day on the job because he didn't know how to look up inventory. He did know how to read and write tho. True story


Yup: The old guys were great. You would walk in, tell them what you needed, they would disappear for a few minutes and then show up with all the stuff, no book needed. Of course parts ran the same for years back then and there were only a few models to keep track of as well.
I bought a 69 D100 in 1980 and my friend Gene Roberts was my partsman and that's exactly what happened when I went in to buy some parts to freshen it up. Even back then the Chrysler partsmen liked dealing with the old stuff better than the current stuff.


We'll have to get used to it as we and our cars get older.  :tired:
Pretty soon they will just have a 3D printer produce our parts right there on the spot. :rubeyes:


It's like I was reading a RockAuto commercial transcript.  I feel your pain!

The reality is IF you need to go to a local auto parts store, you need to know who to deal with or build a repoire with someone in the store.  I was in there to check on a fuel pump and the kid at the counter said id the check engine light on.  The old guy working next to him shook his head and looked at me and said "hold on".
1968 Hemi GTX, 4 spd, RR1
1970 Challenger RT/SE, FC7 - FC7RTSE
1987 Buick Grand National

Chryco Psycho

Quote from: CudaHead on September 11, 2018, 12:50:06 PM
I am working on finding a part throttle miss on my 70 Barracuda. I had put in a Pertronix Flame-Thrower III distributor and I could not find the problem. I bought an Ignition Analyzer and it was showing some noise on two cylinders.
I decided to reinstall the original point distributor back in to see if the miss goes away. I noticed the points were shot, so I'm off to AutoZone for new ones.
I walk up to the counter and asked for points and condenser. The guy looks up from his computer and says "What's That?"  I explained that they are parts of a distributor and he says "How do you spell that".
Did the points fix the miss ??


Yes, the points did fix the miss. But wait, there's more.

They gave me the wrong points. We ended up filing the old set and they worked.

But wait there's more.

I went through three new distributors. Ended up with the original distributor.

First one was a Flame Thrower III, with new coil, wires and a set of Champion coated plugs. With this one I used my new Ignision Analizer and I was seeing noise on number 5 and 6 plugs. I eventually figured out the noise was coming from plug wires cross firing, but I did not figure that out until I returned the distributor to Summit for another one.

The second one failed when installed. My fault, the red wire got pinched under the hold down clamp.

The third one was a Proform with the H&M wiring, 4 prong resister, and an orange box. In the end, We figured out the distributor was junk and we took it back out. Lots of misses.

SO, we but in the orginal distributor with points. Seperated the wires and put in a new set of A/C plugs. It's running like a top. Don't use the Chamption plugs.

BTY, we also changed the fuel filter and found the old one had junk in it. We cleaned out the carb and found junk from the filter.

Has anyone used this distributor:

Chryco Psycho

don't recoomend it , the GM HEI module is not great above 5000 rpm , Performance World has stand alone electronic dist as an option


Ok, so I take my points back and they take them. I then asked if they sold Distributors and they said yes we sale both GM and Ford ones.

I then left and decided to go for a Chocolate Sundae. Darry Queen was not near and I remembered Freddie's sold them. I went in and asked the girl for a Chocolate Sundae and she asked me what I wanted on it. I said just a regular one. I sit down and she brought it to me. It was a cup of only Chocolate Ice Cream. It appears she did not know what a Chocolate Sundae was..

This is getting strange.

Chryco Psycho

Get A Firecore dist
Without sprinkles  :haha:


Sounds like a plan. At least I can buy it from someone that talks Mopar.