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Nice hood!

Started by Spikedog08, September 30, 2022, 05:01:50 PM

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Not sure what it is exactly . . But pretty cool!  :clapping:   Tap to enlarge . .
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


I'm guessing it's very creative air brushing, so you don't have to bother open the hood at car shows  :brainiac: :))
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Pretty sure that's a photoshop,
Take a pic of engine, then make the hood transparent, many pics like this out there


That would be easier then painting it  :drunk:
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Just think, you can have a Hemi-'Cuda for the cost of a hood wrap. :notsure:  For professionally rebuilt door hinges...


In the 80's a fellow I know Gary Zap made a clear plastic hood for his Black 1971 Road Runner. I think he said he pressed the warm plastic between two steel hoods to form it. Car was in Hot Rod magazine decades ago with a blown Hemi.


My vote is that is a wrap on the hood.
It would definitely be a great talking point.
I would do it but would not want it permanent.
Then he opened hood to show off the /6.
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Jay Bee

Quote from: anlauto on October 01, 2022, 02:14:04 PM
Well that answers that
I'm not so convinced, image cleanly follows the hood's edges and the Plymouth emblem is present on the corner. My vote is wrap or skilled air brushing.


No one probably cares but I found a photo of Gary's clear hood he pressed.


Okay, that's pretty cool :drooling:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
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cuda hunter

Definitely cool!   

How was it done?  What did he use?   How did it hold up? 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Not sure what he used, maybe Lexan? Not too sure of my plastics. I do remember he pressed it over a stock hood and he told me he wrecked the steel hood on the first try because it wasn't supported. So on the second try he supported it underneath and it worked. I imagine the plastic was at least warm and then he pressed it between 2 hoods, afterwards it would have been lots of trimming I imagine.