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Reproduction Bumper Brackets - Different Suppliers

Started by C_B5, December 28, 2021, 04:24:01 PM

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There seems to be several different suppliers making reproduction bumper brackets, which find surprising !
Is this statement true ?
Or is there one supplier and many distributors ?

For example have found that both AMD and Dynacorn state that they manufacture the bumper brackets.
[Refer to the attached webpages showing brackets from both AMD and Dynacorn]

Are there others ?
If so it would be good infornmation to know which supplier has the most correct & best fitting brackets.

Several individuals have stated that the AMD bumper brackets are really nice and fit well.
Anyone have additional input on the AMD or Dynacorn brackets ?


I'm pretty sure Dynacorn only makes Challenger ones (not Cuda) because they were tooling everything up to support the sale of their "complete Challenger shells" which never really took off...but you never know....these places like AMD, Dynacorn, Goodmark, could all be using the same stamping facilities in Taiwan ?
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Nothing is ever exactly like factory but AMD comes the closest.  For professionally rebuilt door hinges...


I don't want to hi-jack your thread, but maybe this can be an add on. Roseville is showing two different rear bumpers for 70-71 Challengers. One is AMD. Don't know about the other. Dynacorn maybe? The AMD is more expensive but out of stock. The other is in stock. Has anyone one bought one of the others and can provide info on quality and fit.
Normally I'd wait for the AMD, but we know what waits are like right now and I'm kind of held up without the bumper.
So...  Anyone?


AMD have terrible quality chrome, the other ones are Keystone which are triple plated in the States and look much better :alan2cents:
Don't be afraid to ask the guys at Roseville, they are straight shooters and tell you what's best. :twothumbsup:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration