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What grinds your gears when you look at a ride....

Started by bcbassfishing, August 02, 2019, 04:18:50 PM

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Well crew... kinda bored today and thought I'd throw out a little rant and maybe get some feedback from other people.   So in saying I've been looking around online at many cars and its frusterating how many cars I won't even spend 2 seconds looking at due to IMO stupid add-on's and a stiff price tag.  Ok now that I've got some hackles raised let me elaborate.  I'm a fan of stock appearing and it drives me nuts when I see a good cannidate to tidy a few things but knowing full well it's going to turn into a full blown resto.  Everyone puts there own spin on things but I look to see how long it would take to change out what was done.  Simple stuff like valve covers, headers, aluminum intakes, wheels ect that's easy stuff to deal with, trunk and under hood not painted? ok got some work to do but price it accordingly, not something you can't do at home during the winter or over a weekend... Shoddy workmanship aside these are some examples off the top of my head. 
-incorrect side mirrors non mopar types (first thought is can I put stock ones on without body and paint work?)
-Non Mopar spoilers (again looks like instant paint work $$$$)
-Body color painted bumpers ($$$ just took a cheep way out)
-Custom seat skins  (instant $$$$ to fix that)
-Custom body colors  (unless it has some patina on it from back in the day.   then????)
-goofy side stripes painted on  (instant pass)
-Speaker holes in the door panels (not a deal breaker but...)
-Murdered out look ( leave some bright work on the poor thing)
I'm sure there's more I can say but I'll let others maybe chime in on what gripes them when they go look'n at a new ride for the stable.

Swamp Donkey

Quite a few of those items you listed are what I have envisioned for my car. Not all of them, but I know that I am going down the restomod path. While I do appreciate an all original factory restoration, I would way rather spend my money going with a custom look.
1973 Cuda. 340 4 speed.


Everything is subject to opinion of course.... Each year I sponsor an award at a local show for "Best Restored" , then I'm invited to pick the winner...The first thing that I look for on a car that is supposed to be "restored" is the tires...if you have don't get a second look from me....and if I need a tie's the battery...NAPA ain't goin cut it !
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


Quote from: Swamp Donkey on August 02, 2019, 04:50:55 PM
Quite a few of those items you listed are what I have envisioned for my car. Not all of them, but I know that I am going down the restomod path. While I do appreciate an all original factory restoration, I would way rather spend my money going with a custom look.

Which is cool if it's what your vision is and I respect that fully.  You are planning on keeping your car as well I would imagine at which case all the more mopar power to ya! 

Find it interesting what is acceptable to one is not the other... first responces kinda went on both ends of the scale.  Might be an interesting thread...


I recently looked at a ride, no original engine (440 in a 73), trunk pan needed replacing, interior in desperate need of repair, body filler that was noticeable from 10 feet away and on almost every body panel. While talking to the seller they made a point of mentioning more then once that "well its a Mopar.... I know what its worth" well for the same price there was lots more vehicles in better shape within a day or two drive.

70 Challenger Lover

Out in So. Cal, we have lots of cruise nights and all sorts of cars show up. I certainly lean towards muscle cars, especially the ones that are more stock in appearance whether restored or not. I see lots of stuff and much of it makes me shake my head. But I try to tell myself that it's their car and they have the right to do whatever they want. As adults, hopefully they are smart enough to realize that big changes make it hard to sell later or to get a good price.

Stuff like steel belted radials, modern batteries, disc brakes, etc. on an older car doesn't bug me too much since it's kind of a safety and reliability thing.

The stuff that I truly hate is aftermarket wheels that are so extreme, they just don't look right on an older car. The chip foose 21" wheels and the like are just lame. Biggest turn off has to be air bags.


BUTT CONNECTORS ....I hate butt connectors, it shows you are lazy.... and have no knowledge of what looks nice...


There's a bunch of little details that bug me a lot because they are fairly simple things, and I don't see any excuse to have not done it right.  Seeing things like body color painted hood latches and the hood spring that mounts by the latch.  Body color painted door strikers.  Lack of blackout on the radiator support especially on lighter color cars.  And no undercoating in the wheel wells, instead just painted body color.
I also don't like seeing rally wheels on pre 70 cars.


Quote from: anlauto on August 02, 2019, 05:01:17 PM
Everything is subject to opinion of course.... Each year I sponsor an award at a local show for "Best Restored" , then I'm invited to pick the winner...The first thing that I look for on a car that is supposed to be "restored" is the tires...if you have don't get a second look from me....and if I need a tie's the battery...NAPA ain't goin cut it !

And if you go to the trouble of getting a repro battery, please remove the modern safety warning tags on the posts!



20"  wheels on an ebody...  well, really any musclecar.
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


Quote from: JH27N0B on August 02, 2019, 06:57:31 PM
There's a bunch of little details that bug me a lot because they are fairly simple things, and I don't see any excuse to have not done it right.  Seeing things like body color painted hood latches and the hood spring that mounts by the latch.  Body color painted door strikers.  Lack of blackout on the radiator support especially on lighter color cars.  And no undercoating in the wheel wells, instead just painted body color.
I also don't like seeing rally wheels on pre 70 cars.

These little things are the ones I look at and think, yep got some detailing to do but not the end of the world.   Sure isn't a deal breaker on a purchase.  See allot of cars without blacked out rad support these days.  Don't forget about painting your camber bolts... lol


I don't have a problem at all with a battery that cranks when you need it or tires that don't follow every groove in the pavement. Of course I drive my stuff. These were all factory Hemi cars and I wasn't afraid to take down any Big Block Chevies (or anything else) that wanted to try them.
I like the cars to look stock though and things like painted nuts when they should be plated, Non stock gauges, non stock seats etc. are things that I would change if it were on a car I owned.
Something else that bugs me are 14 and 15 second Hemis or cars that never leave the house unless they're on a stretcher.

70 Challenger Lover

A stretcher! Haha haven't heard that before. I can't stand trailer queens either. If you restore your car to the point where it has become some piece of jewelry only to be looked at, then you've completely lost sight of what the cars were built for and what the hobby is really all about.

I don't even go to official judged car shows much, let alone enter my cars for judgement. Means very little to me. I do enjoy driving my cars to local cruise nights and jawjacking with other car people about how much fun the cars are.

All the little things like plating of hardware don't mean much to me either. I couldn't tell you which nut or bolt is supposed to be plated what. I like the look of stuff done correctly but I honestly couldn't judge what is correct or not. As long as the bolts and fasteners are clean, not to concerned if they are painted silver or actually silver cad plated. Either looks nice and shows a level of detail most anyone can appreciate.


My all time fav..... the hacksaw hole stereo install...........


I'd you're looking to buy something I get being picky and I guess it's all in what your end goal is with the car and how much of it you'd have to change/redo and how does that factor into the "investment".

I go to a lot of cruise ins, an excuse to take the car for a quick ride, walk around for 45 minutes and head back. My biggest pet peeve are other owners who are, you know... I'm into anything someone built themselves. everyone has different skill levels so as long as it's safe and they are out enjoying it then isn't that what it's all about?