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Heater Controls (switches)

Started by Cuda Cody, March 03, 2017, 07:05:16 PM

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Cuda Cody

@nsmall   You might want to keep an eye on this one.  Price is fair for all those switches.  Just put them in a new rallye heater control panel and you're set.



@Cuda Cody

Thanks.  Still, please dont disown me, still thinking of just plugging the hole on the fire way and dealing with this later.  So the controls are the same for non AC panels with standard dash vs rally?

Thanks for looking out for me.  I will be at the spring fling, will look for a box there.  Found a painter I am certain is the best in my area.  Getting excited to have my car painted.  I know I am still a long ways out.

Cuda Cody

Did you get them @nsmall   ?    Looks like a fair price for all 3 switches.  Not you just need a new Rallye Heater panel (if you are going with rallye gauges) and swap the switches over.  I've seen people get more then what they sold for just for 1 switch.


Ac controls are different. Here they are

Cuda Cody

I think he's going to change over to a Heater system?  :smile:


Oops  ::) it was late when I posted. My fault