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rolling resistance when engine idling

Started by Tony 73, February 26, 2022, 01:47:13 PM

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Chryco Psycho

Too much to list !!
Check for any binding in the linkage between the booster & pedal , could be an issue in the booster also .
could be a bad brake hose often they can trap pressure but lifting the pedal shouldn't make a difference same with the proportioning valve it may be restricting flow but again lifting the pedal should not change anything but a slight release of pressure before the prop valve might make a difference . What condition is the master cylinder , it may need to be disassembled & rebuilt .


If you can lift the pedal with the engine running, check the pedal return spring.
As far as the pads retracting in the calipers, the caliper piston relies on a square cut piston seal to retract the piston slightly when the pedal is release.
There is no adjustment of any type.  For professionally rebuilt door hinges...

Tony 73

Cheers Chryco,
New reconditioned MC, new hard and flexible brake lines, calipers pulled apart and full cleaned, new pads.

Booster condition unknown as have not had apart, prop valve pulled apart and cleaned.


A reconditioned master cylinder is not new. Get a new one. Reconditioned/remanufactured calipers are ok If done by a reputable company.  What exactly does "pulled apart and cleaned " mean ?  For professionally rebuilt door hinges...

Tony 73

Cheers MoparLeo,
I do not have a return spring, Am now assuming I should have.

Pulled apart and cleaned - Calipers - removed pistons and checked for any pitting and and contamination. Cleaned all surfaces and bores to valve and flex brake line. Checked rubber seal and boot. Pictures on my build thread.
                                    - prop valve-  dissasembled and cleaned ( not correct valve for 71 so need to replace)

MC came with car and 95% sure it a recon one. Will check packaging box.

Thanks for input


It sounds like you have identified the area of your problem to be the parking brake pedal..
I'm not familiar with the differences in 70-71 or later parking brake pedals but apparently there are some. Outside of lubrication the only suggestion I have is to check for missing/broken springs in the mechanism. I'm not finding much information on this subject.
Here are springs listed for a '70
.                                               [glow=black,42,300]Doin It Southern Syle[/glow]       

Tony 73

Hi Bullitt,
Thanks for info on parking brake but the problem is the FOOT brake and looks like I am MISSING spring as shown in MoparLeo post.

Tony 73

Pretty confident the problem was stiff linkages.

My master cylinder is a Remanufactured one.

I looked and felt the linkage above the steering column and noticed for some reason I had put in 3 washers to take out the play on the shaft/bolt.
I loosened the bolt nut. I don't have a spring the correct length and it will be a pig of a job to attach one if I choose to.
I also loosened the 4 nut holding the MC to the booster to see it that might be the issue.
TEST drive at the top of my drive resulted in no resistance . I then tightened the MC nuts and retested. No resistance.
Took car down drive and did some heavy braking and at no stage did I feel any resistance  :veryexcited:
Front wheels could spin a little freer when they off ground but looking good.
Thanks for members input.