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Stalling issue on right-hand turn

Started by 70pumpkin, November 12, 2018, 10:10:14 AM

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I've had this stalling issue that I can't figure out.  On a slow right-hand turn (not from a standstill), the car stalls or bogs down real bad -- like when entering a cloverleaf or turning right onto a side-street.  Lately, the problem also happens every so often when going straight approaching a stop sign.  It never happens turning left.  I do notice that if the car is very gently and very slowly brought to a stop before turning, the problem doesn't occur.

At first, I thought it might be related to the baffle in the fuel tank but the problem still exists with a full tank.

Does anyone have any ideas what might be the problem?  Could it be related to the carb or intake?

303 Mopar

Maybe a ground, like an engine to body ground. When the engine leans one way the ground loses contact.  It has happened to me before.  The way we discovered it was to jack up the left side and the car would run, drop the jack and it had issues.

Cuda Cody


Automatic I assume. What does it idle at.

Cuda Cody

When I tracked down the original owner of my 70 Challenger T/A he was telling me the story of buying the car brand new off the dealer.  He said when he left the dealership he turned right and the car stalled.  He kept driving and it was fine, but every time he turned right it would stall.  So he went back to the dealer and they had to adjust the carbs.  From the factory there was something wrong and eventually I think he said the dealer just replaced them.


Jeff, did you check and rule out vacuum leak as discussed? When I first got my car, it will stall when I brake hard. Worst if going downhill. The problem went away after I replaced the intake manifold and carburetor. Since your engine is original, may be deteriorated gasket or loose bolts.
1973 Challenger Rallye, 416 AT
2012 Challenger SRT8 6 speed Yellow Jacket


  I seem to recall someone posting here a similar issue that was a dangling wire from the ignition system that would ground out when turning a particular way. 
.         Doin It Southern Style


I have that happen multiple times on a bike,  after a couple years I found the extra wires I had stuff between the battery and the battery box had worn through and grounded out.
I'd look for a wire issue , or may be float issue.


    Stop turning right... :pokeeye:    Couldn't resist. :D


Hey everyone, thanks for the input!
Warren, I haven't checked out the intake yet but now that you mention it, I think it does happen more often when going downhill.  I'm going to see what happens when braking hard on level ground.
I reached out to Holley as well and they think it could be a float issue (carb is an old 2-bbl EconoMaster (remember those things)).
Btw, car is an auto.


Good one  :))  Might get a bit dizzy after a while!

Chryco Psycho

re torque the intake while you are in there , I always do it when I am adjusting carbs


UPDATE: After trying a bunch of things, the problem still exists.  Here's what was done:

  • Experimented with timing, a/f mixture, idle.  First adjusted to the recommended TDC (ran okay), then adjusted to 12 degrees advanced (ran better).  Details:

    • At 850 rpm, timing is 12 degrees, vacuum 17.5
    • At 2200 rpm, timing is 33 degrees, vacuum 21
  • No vacuum leaks were found
  • Adjusted a/f mixture screws

Next steps are to clean carb a/f mixture screws, revisit plugs and plug wires. 

The car idles and runs smoothly.  Mainly when turning right on a downward slope, the car sputters and feels like it's starved for fuel and/or air -- because when I feel it start to stall, I hit the gas hard and it picks back up.  Btw, car is an original 318 that was rebuilt about 12k miles ago with a stock+ cam (Comp Cams High Energy CRS 260H-10 with .440 lift, 260 duration). 

Thinking out loud - could it be related to the switch in the steering column?

Cuda Cody

Do you have a 2nd carb or can you borrow one to test?  That's what I would do.  Find a carb that you can swap out and see if the problem changes. 

Chryco Psycho

If it cuts out clean it is more likely electrical , if it is sputtering more likely fuel