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And They Wonder Why I Hate California

Started by 70 Challenger Lover, November 22, 2019, 08:16:53 PM

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70 Challenger Lover

My 16 year old daughter came home today and showed us the poster her teacher was giving out. This is a public high school mind you in a nice conservative town. California is the brain washing capital of the world.


Nothing personally, you need to move and that State needs to sink.....

70 Challenger Lover

For a supposedly "liberal" state, it's extremely intolerant to the viewpoints of others. A different teacher of hers spends half of every class lecturing about climate change and the end of the world brought about by the evil American white man. I'd rather he spent the time teaching English so she could do better than a C+.

This is the kind of inflexible, hardcore hate filled propaganda used in fascist regimes. Not hard to picture a sickle and hammer fitting right into the artwork. The artist would have probably made a decent nazi too. A little tweak to this message could promote white power or call for the abolishment of Jews. It's not the message as much as the delivery. Whatever the cause, the underlying message is there is only room for one narrow minded view and those who oppose are the enemy.

We regret not home schooling her more and more. Our plan is to retire early when she finishes high school and leave the state before she has an opportunity to put down roots of her own. I'll give up a ton in my pension but I think the trade off is necessary before too much damage is done.


Build a wall around the California borders and trade the whole State to China to settle our debt.


Quote from: 70 Challenger Lover on November 22, 2019, 09:08:43 PM
For a supposedly "liberal" state, it's extremely intolerant to the viewpoints of others.
:iagree: No straws, free needles be careful where you step, especially at the beach.


Yep. And they want to abolish the constitution and the electoral college. I can't imagin why the liberals just don't move to a socialist country and and be happy. That's what they want.


Hey it's not just California sadly.  Have you heard what many of the candidates have been saying constantly this year?  Blaming successful people and private enterprise for everything bad and proposing ways to punish them?  Attacking our great country as being a place to be ashamed of?
But this discussion is mostly political which isn't allowed here, other than to say it's sad.
It's so wrong to teach kids one side and propaganda though.  I remember when I started my job 7 years ago, most of the other hires were millenials.  A discussion of presidents came up, and I said in my lifetime the only president I felt really turned things around was Reagan.  A millenials eyes got wide and his jaw dropped. Reagan?? He was terrible, Reagonomics, the main cause of all of today's income inequality, how can you say anything good about him?!?!
All I could say was I don't know what your professors told you, but I was there.  I started working during the later Carter years, the economy was slipping, interest rates and inflation were rising constantly.  The nations mood was in the dumps and people were saying our best days were behind us.
Then Reagan came along and told us our best days were yet to come and pushed through policies that turned things around, made Americans feel good again, and it was truly remarkable.
It's tough listening to a kid who has been brainwashed about a time you experienced telling you he knows more about it than you because he learned it in college.  Makes me feel we are doomed unless schools return to being objective and not pushing agendas!

Chryco Psycho

Actually it is not even the whole state just the west coast , most of the farmers there inland are far more sane


It's NOT just California, New York is no better! Coming soon, no more bail, instead they will be lit out and given gift cards, baseball tickets and cell phone minute's.  and the accused with there lawyer will be aloud to inspect the crime scene.  :headbang:


Wow. Teachers handing out propaganda. I guess in Cali teachers are also activists. I would ask the question "How does a teacher get away with this?" but the answer would probably infuriate me. Unfortunately, here in Denver, things are slowly moving to the left-hopefully it never gets that bad here..
1973 Challenger 340
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cuda hunter

absolutely sickening and disgusting that is handed out to youngins.

that flier calls for the abolishment of the police. 

If the police are gone in these liberal states, I will be glad to play cowboys and liberals.  they want it, they will get it from us Americans who believe in what our constitution told us first and second.  We all have the right to talk, and then we have the right to shoot treasonous traitors to our constitution after they have talked.  Be very careful my brothers which side your on. 

Just the one statement is absolutely insane.  Take away the police.....???  Are the liberals crazy?   Yes.  I don't even understand how an agenda can claim they want to take away the only thing that keeps "them" safe from the rest of us law abiding citizens and non law abiding citizens. 

  the liberals are starting a war with their own countrymen.  a war........
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Amazing...  ridiculous.. 

I grew up in a small town 50 miles east of Pittsburgh, where the population of black was less than 1%.   These type of issues simply didn't exist back there and my parents didn't raise me to be racist and everyone was PROUD to be an american.  When Vietnam was in full swing many of my friends joined the armed services to fight for our country and way of life.   Many came back in body bags.  I realize that poster isn't simply about black vs white, that it includes militant ideas against our government and country.   Disgusting. 

Now i live in North Carolina for the past seven years, and i cant believe that the civil war is still going on down here.   Prejudice is unbelievable.   I guess its all in how you were raised.

Now we have Colin Kapernick...  who is both racist and anti-american, and he wonders why no one wants to hire him!!  You kidding me??  He files a law suit against the NFL claiming collusion and the NFL caves in and pays him to settle out of court.   Now he is again at it.  Collusion my ass...its simple no GM would hire him because the fans would boycott that he would hurt them financially. 

He should be arrested and tried as a traitor.   

70 Challenger Lover

After sleeping on it, I decided I'm gonna write a polite letter to the district superintendent. Going to school principals about anything is typically futile. Though always side with their teachers no matter what. I don't expect much from anything I do frankly.

If you go to that groups website, they proudly proclaim that they are a "radical" movement modeled after the Black Panthers. Their methods and language are very militant. Their viewpoints closely mirror ANTIFA, the hardcore anti fascists who used fascist methods to get their point across. If you dig deeper into those two groups, you find many parallels to anarchism.

I sent it to a very liberal friend of mine and even he found it shocking. For years we've had discussions about how public schools are places of liberal indoctrination (I refer to it as conditioning). He has always thought I'm being overly dramatic. I think he has his head in the sand.


I know it would cost more money but look into sending your kid to a Charter school. To many people in this state that call themselves teachers are just plain crazy and have no right to spew that kind of garbage. I'd seriously look at getting out myself but have older parents that I'm close to.