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Another BIGS WOT... (way off topic)... FB PITA

Started by BIGSHCLUNK, June 19, 2021, 09:04:16 AM

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 I joined a FB user group to see what they had to say about the situation... of course there are plenty of others there with the same problem.. I will paste below their recommendations but according to most responses the outlook is bleak, at least time consuming.. I'm afraid "BIGS H CLUNK" may be a lost cause unless he has a government ID.....

Hacked accounts   Check the email you had on the account. There will be an email there from facebook about the changes, at the bottom is a link to reverse this change and set a new password. You may need to check in email spam folders as well. If you are able to reverse this then check on logins in settings/login and security/where your logged in. Click not me on any logins that are not you. If the email link has expired then put in this form . Sometimes hackers add 2 factor authentication to the account so if this is the case then use this form and explain they have added 2FA and you still cant log in. Take a screenshot of the notice requesting a code and a clear photo of your drivers licence and add this to the form. Make sure your logged out of all accounts on the device first. . Hacks can also occur on your email accounts and FB is just a symptom so secure your email account with a new password and take advantage of any extra security they offer.  Reply times are long at the moment so patience is required. FB keeps info for 30 days so if you have not heard back you can submit again in 30 days. Remember we are not facebook and we cant fix this for you. We do appreciate this process is frustrating for both you and us and all we can do is provide the links and the rest is up to facebook.
.         Doin It Southern Style


I`m having my own but different issue with FB. I list a 2013 Charger for sale and FB wants the vin number for it, I type it in and it doesn`t take - says to put in a valid vin even though I know the one I typed is correct. FB has bascically zero tech support and there marketplace has a lot of glitches with listing and search functions, it`s frustrating as it`s one of the few places to list items for free that gets attention as Craigs List is pretty much dead at least in my area.  :pullinghair:
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club


We all know BIGS does not have a government issued ID.  :Thud: Which is the exact reason why BIGS had the account and Chris didn't. That's just a little to "big brother" for me. That being said.... I can prove the account is mine by verifying all the business info on the A&D page. Biz license, both city and state, tax id # ect ect, $hit call the business phone number... and ask for me (Chris or BIGS), I could go on for days.... if only I could talk to a PERSON!   

torred - I agree on the market place nonsense. As we did use it too. I had things for sale that the algorithm gave the boot to "it was aginst policy" of some sort or another. An example would be the pile of electronic wheel chair parts I have. I'm sue someone who repaird "mobility" chairs could use the stuff but FB puts it under "health and beauty" and give it the boot no matter how I word it.  :verymad:   CRAIGSLIST around here is  :deadhorse: