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Been having issues with my computer freezing, spinning beachball

Started by 1 Wild R/T, October 22, 2018, 10:41:02 AM

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1 Wild R/T

Last few weeks I've been experiencing a spinning beachball, frozen screen, can't do anything... This would happen anywhere from 2-3 times a day to recently 2-3 times an hour.... Eventually I'd be forced to shut down the computer with the power button.......  It's an older MacBook....  I've tried all the updates, deleting apps that I don't use, looked through directories.... I typically have half a dozen tabs open with assorted websites I visit, half a Mopar sites & one even though I don't post there is Moparts... I'd noticed that while it would freeze on any website it mostly froze while on Moparts..... Saturday I closed Moparts.... And haven't had a problem since..... 

Cuda Cody

That's really odd.  I haven't been over there is awhile so not sure if they did an update or something?   :notsure:  What browser are you using?

Chryco Psycho

How old is the system ?
My Mac won;t run at all now they did an update & there is no upgrades or any solution available just toss the computer & buy new I am now working on setting up a hard drive with Linux , hopefully more stable & less prone to being updated into obsolescence


I know a PC is different than Mac, but I have Windows 10 for years...ALWAYS used Google as a search engine.....then one night my computer did an automatic Windows update....and what do you will not operate with Google any more....continually freezes up take for ever to load pages....but works like a champ with Microsoft Edge ! which uses Bing as a search engine which sucks compared to Google....

I know this has nothing to do with your problem....but when I read the topic....I could relate... :pullinghair:
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1 Wild R/T

Quote from: Chryco Psycho on October 22, 2018, 04:20:21 PM
How old is the system ?
My Mac won;t run at all now they did an update & there is no upgrades or any solution available just toss the computer & buy new I am now working on setting up a hard drive with Linux , hopefully more stable & less prone to being updated into obsolescence

Mid 2010... Replaced the HDD with an SSD 4 years ago... Put in new fans & a new touch pad last year....  It keeps trucking along.. 

Chryco Psycho

The Last window update crashed any computer with any pirated softwear , everyone is having problems .....  thus Linux
I refuse to use Edge or Chrome , have been using Firefox


Our Mac did the same thing, I couldn't get it to stop, soo slow tried all kinds of stuff. It was 5 years old. Finally fixed it with a new one. Black Friday is coming!
My daughter has an iPad Pro it's as big if not bigger than our Mac! I like it  :thinking:

1 Wild R/T

Well this one is a little over eight years old now & since the other day it's been fine... Except when I followed a link that was sent to me... It took me to Moparts & my computer froze again... Had to reboot....


I don't think moparts is secure no https, click on moparts you won't see it. My iPad said site not secure. Also Cuda Challenger. Not a tech guy so not sure if it's a big deal. So no CC numbers and hopefully you don't use the same password on that site as bank account.

This site;last_msg=122895

1 Wild R/T

Computers been running great.... Popped in on Moparts again, read one thread & when I tried to back out this popped up...... Am I the only one who has issues?


Nope. I hit the back button a bunch of times quickly, sometimes I can get back to the same page. Usually have to close the window. For me this only happens there, I don't go there much anymore.


I remember a couple years ago, a bunch of people were complaining that their computers got a virus or maybe it was malware, from Moparts.  It had something to do with google ads, and those of us using firefox with adblock had no problems.
My laptop with Avast using Firefox was giving me a warning that Moparts was insecure.  But when I looked at Moparts on it using Chrome, no warning.
But just a few days ago, it started acting up.  I noticed it wasn't showing the wifi status in the task bar.  I tried going in control panel to make that appear without success.  I rebooted and it was back.
Then last night, same deal.  Plus when I tried certain things, nothing would happen but a warning would pop up, including trying to go to the function where you can reset the computer to a time in the past.
It's an old but good think pad with W7, off to the PC repair shop it will go!
Funny thing, I look at Moparts at work on IE, but when I try to access I get a warning screen!


Still visit Moparts but haven't had any issues (yet  ;)   ). Mid-'12 HP Pavilion laptop and still running Windows 7. Loaded 10 when it came out and hated it so was able to go back to 7.



One of the main things I do with my laptop, is download pictures and edit my Flickr account.
W7 had a great photo editor I use to crop, resize etc, which they took away in later "updates".
I use an iPad for most of my casual surfing and e-mail, and it's getting obsolescent too.  Crashes here when trying to load a thread with an imbedded video, won't work with Pay Pal or to pay my Discover bill anymore are some of it's issues, it won't update to recent versions of the IOS. I have a newer mini but its in a Ram mount as I use it in aviation which makes it clumsy to use in my house,  plus I don't like the search function much compared to my elderly one!
Tech gives me a headache!