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Facebook vs Forum

Started by Cuda Cody, January 07, 2017, 05:49:00 PM

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Quote from: Finoke on January 09, 2017, 06:18:33 AM
Facebook. I joined 6 months ago after avoiding it for many years. Mainly because I've noticed that forum traffic has been declining.

I was amazed. There is several sites, one mopar and one 70-71 E body that have over 20,000 members. I've posted and have received many many more comments and views than I do on the forums.

But with that said it is mostly pictures and show info. Very little tech info. I still rely heavily on the forums for that.

:iagree: with @Finoke! Just joined the E-bodies FB page and the T/A FB page. They are both better than I expected. If I want to fix my car I'll use the forum site. Less "noise" on the forum site.
I think each serves a purpose.


There sure is lots of interesting " eye candy" on the facebook site!


Well ya got me here. I didn't even know this site existed until the Facebook page came along.


Good to see you here Bearcuda, and yep I noticed a post on my fb newsfeed relating to this forum and joined up too :twothumbsup:

There are no traffic jams along the extra mile - Roger Staubach


FWIW (and yeah I'm reviving an old post here) I prefer Facebook sometimes because of how easy it is to do stuff with a phone.  And while I'm not one of those who can't put their phone down for more than 10 seconds, I do prefer using it for photography at things like car shows or when pinpointing something on a car because, well, I don't always have my DSLR with me and there's no memory cards to worry about.

However, when I've tried posting photos to the forum with my phone, it often crashes my phone's browser after 2-3 pictures, which means if I want to post pictures from a car show, I'm kinda S-outta-L until I can get the photos onto my computer, then get online and post them.

For a lot of that "here today, gone tomorrow" type of stuff, like pictures from a car show or "something cool I saw at such-and-such a place," Facebook is easy - it's forgets stuff about as easily as we do.  For trying to solve a problem, or trying to buy/sell something, the forum is easiest because topics "bump to top" when comments are added.  Plus, searching the forum is possible, whereas it's really not in Facebook.

I know there are apps (tapatalk for one) which work with the forum, but I've never gotten them to work well.  If it were easier to post things like photos to the forums from my phone, I'd share a lot more content here.

303 Mopar

Quote from: ViperMan on August 08, 2017, 11:45:31 AM
FWIW (and yeah I'm reviving an old post here) I prefer Facebook sometimes because of how easy it is to do stuff with a phone.  And while I'm not one of those who can't put their phone down for more than 10 seconds, I do prefer using it for photography at things like car shows or when pinpointing something on a car because, well, I don't always have my DSLR with me and there's no memory cards to worry about.

However, when I've tried posting photos to the forum with my phone, it often crashes my phone's browser after 2-3 pictures, which means if I want to post pictures from a car show, I'm kinda S-outta-L until I can get the photos onto my computer, then get online and post them.

For a lot of that "here today, gone tomorrow" type of stuff, like pictures from a car show or "something cool I saw at such-and-such a place," Facebook is easy - it's forgets stuff about as easily as we do.  For trying to solve a problem, or trying to buy/sell something, the forum is easiest because topics "bump to top" when comments are added.  Plus, searching the forum is possible, whereas it's really not in Facebook.

I know there are apps (tapatalk for one) which work with the forum, but I've never gotten them to work well.  If it were easier to post things like photos to the forums from my phone, I'd share a lot more content here.

:iagree: FB can be used for quick temp posts and the forum for more in depth questions.  However I use Tapatalk and my desktop about the same to access the forum.  It is pretty easy to post pics via Tapatalk too so it may be a user error @ViperMan, just sayin'.   :Stirring: :pokeeye:


Yeah yeah yeah...   :pokeeye:  :)

I think the one time it physically crashed was when I was using the regular web-browser (on my phone) and trying to post pictures using the "add additional attachment" buttons or what-not, and yeah after the 3rd or so, it just gave up.  I've tried using Tapatalk several times but it could never remember my access into EBO and I finally gave up on it.  And now I've forgotten my password...  :)