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Started by Roadman, November 11, 2017, 09:25:02 AM

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 :unitedstates:   Thank you to all that have served.   :unitedstates:


I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration

Cuda Cody

I think it's a good day when we all take a moment to think about those who have served.  Everyone from the people just enlisting today to those that gave it all... I'm forever grateful for your service.   :yessir:

Cuda Cody

303 Mopar

"All gave some; some gave all."  Thank you veterans, both active and retired.  I know @Sleepychallenger is active USAF, and @CudaKat was a tanker in the Army.  Any other members?

1 Wild R/T

I spent 4 years while Jimmy Carter was in office.... Talk about a time when the Military wasn't appreciated..... 


Thank You to my fellow Vets for your service, Vietnam Conflict USN, 1968-1972, USS Franklin D. Roosevelt CVA 42. Proud to Serve our Country.     Thanks,   Al

Jay Bee

Can't say thank you enough to all the men and women that have served and are serving.
Just an FYI, in Canada we call Nov. 11th Remembrance Day.


Whats "Happy" about it??

Happy to have served and received some great training, education and character building ...
Happy to have been part of a team who's collective effort was greater than the sum of it's parts ...   
Happy to have served with selfless individuals who put service before self ...
Happy to have made tight friendships with individuals who are closer to me than my own brother ...
Happy to have know some who gave it all - though I am saddened by their loss, I feel privileged to have know people of such high character rather than have not known them at all.

Happy Veteran's Day to all my fellow veteran's and active duty service personnel.  :unitedstates:

Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)


To all those who served.... Thank you!  :unitedstates:



Happy Veterans day. It's a day for veterans. Memorial day is more like remembrance day where we remember the lost.

I'm happy to serve and stand proudly with my fellow vets


I find it a "sad" day thinking of those who have given their lives for us.....Were they "happy" to do it ? That I can't answer. :andyangel:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration

Skid Row

Happy Veterans Day and Happy Birthday US Marine Corps(Nov.10) Semper Fi my Brothers & Sisters.


Quote from: anlauto on November 11, 2017, 03:57:27 PM
I find it a "sad" day thinking of those who have given their lives for us.....Were they "happy" to do it ? That I can't answer. :andyangel:

I think that's the difference between our veterans day and memorial day. Veterans day is celebrating all who serve, memorial day is for the ones we lost.