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Started by Roadman, January 23, 2017, 05:18:38 PM

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Quote from: anlauto on June 19, 2020, 06:20:20 PM
Quote from: Chryco Psycho on June 16, 2020, 09:54:14 PM
SO what do you think was this based off a 70 body or a 2010 , the fuel filler is on the right side ??

This one is's not even a real car. It's likely a RC car  :alan2cents:

Agreed. It has no lug nuts, the carbon pattern is too large and the pavement in the background is wavy. I think its a forced perspective picture. Probably an RC car.

Chryco Psycho

Chryco Psycho


Second day of assembling this for my friend. Factory 5 GTM, mmid engine LS power. Riveting aluminum together and checking wiring. Hope to have it off for paint the end of next week. We'll race it this way a few times then Greg wants to twin turbo it although I think that will make it a handful to race.

Chryco Psycho


Hard to believe this thing runs and is semi drivable.
Life is to be viewed thru the windshield. Not rear view mirror.
You are the only one in charge of your destiny.



Quote from: RUNCHARGER on July 16, 2020, 07:07:24 AM
Second day of assembling this for my friend. Factory 5 GTM, mmid engine LS power. Riveting aluminum together and checking wiring. Hope to have it off for paint the end of next week. We'll race it this way a few times then Greg wants to twin turbo it although I think that will make it a handful to race.

Cool/interesting project!  :bradsthumb:



Life is to be viewed thru the windshield. Not rear view mirror.
You are the only one in charge of your destiny.



This one is interesting from a buddy of mine...
Morris Minor pickup. Cab extended to house increased width of 2 door car.

Life is to be viewed thru the windshield. Not rear view mirror.
You are the only one in charge of your destiny.



    I'm thinking traction could be a problem.     


Quote from: bentpshrods on October 11, 2020, 09:30:31 AM
    I'm thinking traction could be a problem.     

First time I've seen a bug with a hemi in the front as compared to a hemi in the rear


I have seen that one before and have to say it does work for me.
Simple and extremely unique enough to be successful.
Life is to be viewed thru the windshield. Not rear view mirror.
You are the only one in charge of your destiny.


cuda hunter

"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee