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Off topic but so important

Started by blown motor, February 22, 2022, 05:39:42 PM

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blown motor

I'm 64 and a year ago I got diagnosed with prostate cancer. When I was in my early 50s I started going for an annual physical which included getting my PSA checked. Over the years my number was slowly going up. 4.0 is the threshold number where things start to get serious. The PSA number is not a true and definitive indicator of if you have cancer but there is a strong correlation between the two. Last year I tested 6.8 and they sent me for a biopsy. I was positive for cancer. The cancer was only in one segment of my prostrate gland. We caught it early because I had been having annual checks. Because we caught it early I was a candidate for a treatment called brachytherapy which is where they place radiation seeds directly into the prostate gland. This has to be the most non-invasive, lowest side effect cancer treatment ever! Not everyone with prostate cancer will qualify for this. That was six months ago. Today I had my first post treatment PSA test and it came back at .76! In two weeks I meet again with the oncologist and I fully expect a very positive discussion. My message is that if you are over 50 GET YOUR PSA CHECKED! And get it checked annually. Early diagnosis is key to successful and low impact treatment.
Who has more fun than people!
68 Charger R/T    74 Challenger Rallye 
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Thank you and best of luck with your treatment.  :drinkingbud:


Glad it's working out well!
I go in for next checkup in the first week of March.
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


Cannot be over stated! Thanks.
Good job and continued good health.  :bravo:


ahhhh man that is awesome news! 

Great advice too!

1974 Cuda. 360 / A500 OD.  Yes its pink, no its not my wife's car!  Yes I drive it.


Yup...couldn't agree more Murray...all the best to you :drinkingbud:
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Filthy Filbert

Glad you caught it early!   Isn't Prostate Cancer what Stu Harmon had?  Damn I miss that guy.    :andyangel:

Congrats on beating it too.



Great news on the progress! Thanks for giving us all a reminder.

Jay Bee

Glad to hear that it worked out for you Murray. PSA test once a year for me too, not to keen on the annual DRE though.


Thank you for a very important message.
I am very glad of your progress on your health.
I get the PSA test annually along with my regular physical/blood test.
It is something that is on my mind to especially monitor as I get older.
I turn 70 this year, the danger is always present.
Stay well.  :grouphug:

Data Moderator A66 Challenger Registry

Owner of 1970 A66 Challenger convertible


Glad you are on the mend Murray.  :twothumbsup:
It's a good reminder for us all to get our annual PSA checks.

72 BS23 E55 'Cuda, Lemon twist.
Seaworks HDR by steve, on Flickr


I added it to my long list of things to ask the DR about when I go for annual check-up in a couple weeks, thanks.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club


Very successful outcome if detected early.  PSA and digital rectal exam are imperative.


Call me stupid...   but...i quit !!   

For many years have had the PSA test in my annual exam and all was well.  Four/Five years ago, i was having some frequent need to pee issues.   So, went to a Urologist who did the PSA another test as well as the digital exam.   Said my PSA was elevated to around 3.0 (internet articles say that with age the PSA number will creep higher) and an enlarged prostrate.   

So went onto a drug called Finasteride, as it reportedly will help shrink the prostrate.   Six months later the problems were a lot less, and digital exam confirmed that the prostrate had shrunk back to normal size.   However, the PSA number had crept higher, and when you are on Finasteride you have to double the PSA number.    So, Urologist suggested a biopsy to make sure all was ok...    It was !

Still the PSA number continued to slowly rise with every test.   So, two years later he suggested an MRI.   That was performed, luckily my medicare advantage program covered its huge cost.   It was inconclusive as i had an Hip replacement and the Titanium was clouding the MRI.    So, again another prostrate biopsy.  PS, they arent horrible, but, no fun either.  Again, it was negative.   

My Urologist said that many men do get higher PSA numbers as they get older, and and we should simply use the higher number as my base.   It was at 4.0 but again, when on Finasteride you would have to double it.   Which would make it 8, but the biopsy says no problem.   However, he did say that in fact the Medical Association said that men over 70 need not be treated for PSA issues and that he was required to tell me this.   So, i said, well if that's the case, and i'm not having toilet issues, after two negative biopsy's maybe it was time to stop this, and even quit taking the Finasteride unless toilet problems pop up again.   The Urologist reluctantly agreed, and said that it was in keeping with the medical community recommendations.   

So, im done with all of that crap !!

Im now 74 and talk with a lot of older guys...huge percentage of the guys over 70 have higher than average PSA's and got Biopsy's which were negative.   

On the other hand a younger 58 year old golf buddy of mine had has his PSA rise and biopsy showed cancer!   He wants to live so he opted for the most agressive treatment...i.e  Prostrate removal surgery.    All was well for over a year and then his PSA started to rise again !!!   His Urologist said that even a full Prostrate removal can leave microsopic bits of the prostrate, and they can raise the PSA.   So, now he is undergoing radiation treatments.   Damn...!!   Makes me wonder if Doctors have any idea what their doing other than living a luxurious life !!   


The more I go to doctors the more I understand why they call it a "practice". If I got the same poor results from any other place they would not get my business anymore.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club