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Spikedog08, so sorry for your loss.

Started by Cuda Cody, October 03, 2021, 01:11:16 PM

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Cuda Cody

@Spikedog08  when you are ready, would you please post some photos of Tobey and share his story.  It's never easy to say goodbye to a pet, but Tobey was more then just a pet.  He was your kid and a big part of your family.  I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to him.  You were the best dog dad he could have asked for.  RIP Tobey. 


 :console: That is never easy to deal with.  :sorry:  :andyangel:


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Jay Bee


It has been a rough weekend for Spikedog . . My beloved boy passed and I was not there to protect him . . It appears I am not allowed to travel.  First I go to Hawaii and while gone my dad dies.  Then I go to Texas for a wedding, there for 4 hours and my wife is transported to major hospital with blood clots. . . Flew right back.   Was in Texas for a whole 4 hours.  Now this weekend I go the Vegas for a bachelor party and was there for 6 hours only to hear my wife on the way to the vet hospital and my beautiful little boy dies in the car.  I was his protector and failed him. 

We have no children and he was our kid.  We was an amazing dog and our hearts are certainly broken.  I am still in shock and lots of crying.  We gave him a good life and he gave us so much back . . Still cannot believe he is gone. 

This is Tobey . . God rest his soul. 
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


1974 Cuda. 360 / A500 OD.  Yes its pink, no its not my wife's car!  Yes I drive it.


So sorry to hear because yes they are our fur kids.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club



Spikedog08, pets are more than pets and the loss of a friend and companion like Tobey is very difficult.  I know you will treasure your memories and time you shared.

Take care!!

Filthy Filbert

Right there with ya.   Last week I had grim responsibility of taking our 18 year old cat to the vet for her last time.   A month ago we had her diagnosed as diabetic after she was moaning/meowing loudly at night and flooding her litter box with urine.   Insulin is available over the counter at most pharmacies and cheap enough, so we started dosing her twice a day.  Well, the meowing at night didn't really go away, and she started not going down the stairs to use her litter box--suspected arthritis or other mobility issue.  We decided at that point that 18 years was a good long, love filled life and that she needed to be at rest.    She was our first pet.  Our boys have not known life without her as we got her right before we got married back in 04; "rescued" her from my parents barn and made her an indoor cat.  She moved to Louisiana with us, then on to Troy Oh, and then where we are now in Marysville. 

I know just how you feel right now.  It sucks, but we look at the bright side, it gives us an opportunity to provide another one with a long happy life once we feel enough time has passed to properly mourn her loss.


Sorry Dave, I to unfortunately know your pain. Don't beat yourself up about not being there, maybe it was his way of giving you or sparing you the painful end.  :console:


So sorry for your loss. I know the pain you feel. My wife and I also have no children and our Chocolate Lab--ROCKY was everything to us. He was 9 years old when diagnosed with Lymphoma. The news was devastating. We spent over $10,000 on Chemo treatments knowing that it was not a cure and only a treatment. The money was well spent because it did work for a while and gave us 17 more month with him. Some people can just get another puppy to help get through the loss. We chose not to and it was been 4 years and still hurts thinking and knowing I won't see him again until the Rainbow Bridge. I am sure you boy had a wonderful life with you and you should have tons of memories to help you through this sad time. Sending prayers out to you and your wife.



  I'm sorry for your loss. I think all of us pet owners know what it feels like to lose a fur baby. It's sucks!!!

I know your are kicking yourself for not being there for him, but don't. How could you know? Be glad about the memories you have with him.


Dave, please accept my condolences on the loss of your doggy Tobey. Please don't beat yourself up over not being there; there was nothing that could be done, or your wife and/or the vet would've done it. You obviously took good care of him and he cut quite a dashing figure in his outfits. In time, you may help another pet to achieve the good life Tobey led with you.  :bye:
In the immortal words of Jimmy Scott- "pace yourself!"


So sorry for your loss.  Losing a pet that really is part of the family is difficult.  Our Toby will be 13 in December and am dreading the day he passes.