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US Army's newest officer

Started by GoMangoBoys, December 18, 2021, 09:10:24 PM

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Seeing as you have a Germanic heritage, may I wish your son, Gluch auf with his nascent career and may his rotors never cease to turn. Seeing his opa there for him must've been a poignant moment for all concerned. You must be, and I'm sure are, bursting with pride for your eldest boy. Congrats!  :clapping:
In the immortal words of Jimmy Scott- "pace yourself!"

Filthy Filbert

That's awesome!  I commissioned from the USAF Academy back in 2004.  And yes, all the branches have the silver dollar tradition.   There was one special MSgt who helped coach our practical shooting club team (IDPA and USPSA/3-gun style shooting competitions) and I got a proof piece silver dollar minted in 2004 to give to him as my first "ceremonial salute" --staged and purposeful.    Then I had another circulation piece that I got and gave to the first "real" salute, which in my case, was the SF airman working the security gate checking IDs of folks coming on base. 

I also graduated from THE Ohio State University in 2020 in Welding engineering.   We had several Navy ROTC cadets in the program, but none from AF or Army.  The OSU college of engineering is a good one to be from. 

I left the AF as a Captain after 8 years of service.  As a commander in the reserves, I was up for an early promotion to Major but decided it was time to move on to other things.   I miss it at times.   Your son will love every second of what he does, and will form some very tight bonds with the men and women he serves with.   I thought I had close friends coming out of high school, but nothing is tighter than the bond you form with the men you go to war with.

cuda hunter

Doesn't get much better than that kind of news!  Congrats Brad!! 
It must be an absolutely amazing feeling to have brought up great American men.  No greater accomplishment! 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


This is the kind of news we need to hear.
Congratulations to you and your Son.

Thanks to all who have served this great country!


WOW, That's great!
My Dad was in world war 2 and was a First Sargent. After the war he was offered the rank of 2nd LT  . But all he wanted was to get home and he returned it down.  He said may times he should of taken the rank and stayed in the Army . The Captain that was with him in the war turned out to be a FOUR Star general over the years.


Congratulations!  I was the first to salute my oldest daughter and that silver dollar is one of my most prized possessions.  I hope your son loves flying, I had some really great experiences with some of the pilots I served with.


Nothing like the feeling a parent gets when your kid is progressing successfully in life.
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


That's great news and a great story Brad.  Congrats to your son and your family.   

:unitedstates: :unitedstates: :unitedstates: :unitedstates:


@GoMangoBoys   How is your son progressing with flight school at "Mother Rucker"?? Being a former Army aviator I'm curious ... and a bit nosey!!  :)

Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)


Quote from: RzeroB on August 31, 2022, 03:45:53 PM
@GoMangoBoys   How is your son progressing with flight school at "Mother Rucker"?? Being a former Army aviator I'm curious ... and a bit nosey!!  :)

I am retired as well, Kiowa driver.
They are changing the name to Ft Novasel as I understand it.
I wish him the best.
For future employment, I say go fixed wing. You can do that in flight school now.


@RzeroB   He is doing well at Rucker.  Flight school starts for him most likely at the end of September.  We are very proud of him to say the least.  Yes, the name of the base is changing along with the names of all the other southern bases because the federal government has tons of money and cannot think of anything better to do with it than making a bunch of new signs.  Erasing history is obviously important to some.   Not sure what the timing of it is.
Thank you for asking and thank YOU for your service.  Sam goes to you, @1973Barracuda.


September?? That's tomorrow!! How exciting!!

I don't know how it works now, but it took a couple of months of ground school before we stepped to the flight-line for our first flight. Took a lot of preparation, anticipation and a bit of trepidation leading up to the point where the IP (instructor-pilot) says "you have the controls" for the first time. Of course they give you the controls for the first time when you are cruising along at altitude in level flight where it's seems relatively easy. You think to yourself "this isn't so bad ... I got this!!" Then they take you down to a field and let you try to hover for the first time ... and that smugness that you briefly had quickly evaporates. Controlling the machine in a hover is dramatically more challenging than in cruise flight. My first attempt at hovering I was bobbing and bucking all over the field!! To add to my embarrassment, my IP (who had the dubious nickname of "The Hammer") had one hand up on the glare-shield and was slapping the outside of his right thigh with the other while yelling "wooooo-hoooo!!" like he was a cowboy riding a bucking bronco!! It was very humbling ... but it also sets your resolve to learn how to master the machine in all realms of flight.

The training is very challenging but it is also very achievable ... it is all designed to progress a fledgling aviator from one who has zero flight experience to one that can safely and effectively fly the machine. Your son will do well and you will be there for his crowning moment when you help pin his new wings on his uniform at his graduation ceremony. Very exciting indeed!!

Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)


Congratulations to your son and to all of your family !

A good friend of mine is starting helicopter training in April also.
I saw her at an event in early Aug 2022 , I was Tazered by her as she wanted to see what it does  !


@RzeroB  Yes,  There is much ground work before he gets into an aircraft with his hands on the controls.  After book work will come flight simulators, then the real mccoy.


Any update on flight school?

--Retired US Army CW5 (MI)