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Heater motor fan removal

Started by 70rtse, November 18, 2022, 06:27:08 PM

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Hi guys can any one help me how to remove the fan
I have removed the allan grub screw


If there's an "easy" way, I would like to hear it least you're working with the earlier aluminum style...can't tell you how many plastic ones I've broken :steamingmad:
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Well, unlike Allan I've had no problems with the plastic ones. Not sure if this will help with an aluminium fan, but the plastic ones have a slot cut in the fan hub. I put a flat screwdriver blade into the slot to open up the hub just a bit. Then squirt a little "Plus Gas' in there and wait a bit. Then i've been able to remove the fan. Sometimes with a little more prying open of the slot in the hub. I've only done three....maybe I've been lucky.
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill



I tested the motor and works well.
Might just leave it alone
What colour is the motor meant to be


 I've never dealt with this particular issue but have removed multiple metal squirrel cage fans on other products.  I found needle nose pliers make a nice wedge if you have room to get the tip between the fan hub and motor.  Penatrating oil and patience are your friend :alan2cents:
.                                               [glow=black,42,300]Doin It Southern Syle[/glow]       


The blower motor should be a silver cad colour  on an E Body  :alan2cents:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration

Rich G.

A little lube, a little heat and I hold the cage up and have someone else hit the shaft with a drift punch and if it's not rusted on to bad it comes right off.