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New member from Tenn.

Started by halftrackman, June 23, 2018, 11:54:56 AM

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new on here, I am doing a  resto on  a 70 challenger.

303 Mopar

 :welcome:  Glad you found the best e-body site on the web!  Tell us more about your car and don't forget to post pics!   :needphotos:



Cuda Cody

Welcome @halftrackman   :welcome:  Tell us more about your Challenger.  :banana:

Jay Bee

 :wave:  Welcome aboard from Ontario  :canada: 



There are no traffic jams along the extra mile - Roger Staubach



Welcome from Michigan!  Love to see some pics of the build!   :wave:
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


Life is to be viewed thru the windshield. Not rear view mirror.
You are the only one in charge of your destiny.



 Thanks everyone, Well I sent a little profile, but it did not go,  My first new car was a 68 red roadrunner, I order it , 26 hundred, next I order a 70 rr 29 hundred, the next  was a 71 rr, no it was not  red. I have  owned several mopars over the years.  I will sent some pictures later.  The  70 challenger is red, and a v car.  I still got plenty to do on it.   I have got three ww2 halftracks and other military vehicle.  so plenty of fun.   I did live in chic town and mow town in the old days, plenty of bar fights and booze. Also germany korea and panama more booze, fun fun,  15 years on hueys and Blackhawk as  crewchief,  more fun.   :cheers:


Skid Row

Welcome here! East Tenn. Western NC are my old stomping grounds, GO ARMY AVIATION.

Chryco Psycho

Welcome to the site from Panama  :panama: :wave:


.         Doin It Southern Style



Welcome to the forum from Atlanta!